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2 kids+ hardwood floors causes me to cringe. Which case do I need?

Is this a thread about ipad cases in a ipad accessories forum? Let me check. Yes, it is.
Wow, what amazes me is folks that put themselves on a “holier than thou†pedestal and start tossing out parental advise and criticism on a forum that deals with electronics.

The next time my daughter asks to play angry birds on the ipad I am going to tell her no. I am not really sure if the game is appropriate for her age. Better yet, I am going to have her PM “RobertBasil†on the ipad forums to see if it meets his approval.

Anyways, I do trust my kids with the ipad. That is the reason I am shopping for the best possible case for someone that has kids and hardwood floors. (I don’t intend to sound like Mr. Obvious, but feel I need to clarify that.)

Shucks, I am stuck making supper tonight so I have to run.
I need to make a thread on the†ipad wallpaper forum†to see if I should let the kids pick the onion out of the meatloaf or just make them eat it this evening.

Sounds like WE hit a nerve, and the truth hurts. You don't like my (and others) response? Then don't tell us that you need a case because you don't trust your kids with your iPad. You are on a public forum and from time to time you are going to get responses that you don't like. Deal with it or don't post. You seem to put the blame on me for your anger, but if you read the entire thread, I'm not the only one who posted a response telling you to not allow your kids to play with your iPad without your supervision if you don't trust them to not drop it.

P.S. Yes, Angry Birds is fine for any age to play. Your daughter has my approval to play it. :D

P.S.S. Make them eat the onions. ;)

Maybe you should change your super power to something more truthful:
I have the unique ability to talk bullshit from miles away.

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Is this a thread about ipad cases in a ipad accessories forum? Let me check. Yes, it is.
Wow, what amazes me is folks that put themselves on a “holier than thou” pedestal and start tossing out parental advise and criticism on a forum that deals with electronics.

The next time my daughter asks to play angry birds on the ipad I am going to tell her no. I am not really sure if the game is appropriate for her age. Better yet, I am going to have her PM “RobertBasil” on the ipad forums to see if it meets his approval.

Anyways, I do trust my kids with the ipad. That is the reason I am shopping for the best possible case for someone that has kids and hardwood floors. (I don’t intend to sound like Mr. Obvious, but feel I need to clarify that.)

Shucks, I am stuck making supper tonight so I have to run.
I need to make a thread on the” ipad wallpaper forum” to see if I should let the kids pick the onion out of the meatloaf or just make them eat it this evening.

Sounds like WE hit a nerve, and the truth hurts. You don't like my (and others) response? Then don't tell us that you need a case because you don't trust your kids with your iPad. You are on a public forum and from time to time you are going to get responses that you don't like. Deal with it or don't post. You seem to put the blame on me for your anger, but if you read the entire thread, I'm not the only one who posted a response telling you to not allow your kids to play with your iPad without your supervision if you don't trust them to not drop it.

P.S. Yes, Angry Birds is fine for any age to play. Your daughter has my approval to play it. :D

P.S.S. Make them eat the onions. ;)

Maybe you should change your super power to something more truthful:
I have the unique ability to talk bullshit from miles away.


I am not the only one in this thread with my opinion and have posted as such. But I guess it's easier to direct your anger at one person (me) instead of the entire group. That's ok, I understand...
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Then get them, one of these instead of playing with the iPad.


Bingo! We have a winner! :D
Sounds like WE hit a nerve, and the truth hurts. You don't like my (and others) response? Then don't tell us that you need a case because you don't trust your kids with your iPad. You are on a public forum and from time to time you are going to get responses that you don't like. Deal with it or don't post. You seem to put the blame on me for your anger, but if you read the entire thread, I'm not the only one who posted a response telling you to not allow your kids to play with your iPad without your supervision if you don't trust them to not drop it.

P.S. Yes, Angry Birds is fine for any age to play. Your daughter has my approval to play it. :D

P.S.S. Make them eat the onions. ;)

Maybe you should change your super power to something more truthful:
I have the unique ability to talk bullshit from miles away.


Like I said above...

#1. I am not the only one in this thread with my opinion and have posted as such.
#2. I guess the truth hurts.

What, we going to start saying nanner nanner to each other?
Grow up fella. Trolling threads for entertainment should have gotten old about 10 years ago.

Your "whit" is not impressing anyone.

Maybe you should hand your ipad to your kid who is mature enough to to use forums.
Sounds like WE hit a nerve, and the truth hurts. You don't like my (and others) response? Then don't tell us that you need a case because you don't trust your kids with your iPad. You are on a public forum and from time to time you are going to get responses that you don't like. Deal with it or don't post. You seem to put the blame on me for your anger, but if you read the entire thread, I'm not the only one who posted a response telling you to not allow your kids to play with your iPad without your supervision if you don't trust them to not drop it.

P.S. Yes, Angry Birds is fine for any age to play. Your daughter has my approval to play it. :D

P.S.S. Make them eat the onions. ;)

Maybe you should change your super power to something more truthful:
I have the unique ability to talk bullshit from miles away.


I am not the only one in this thread with my opinion and have posted as such. But I guess it's easier to direct your anger at one person (me) instead of the entire group. That's ok, I understand...

LOL your just dying to put others in the same group as yourself arent you? Maybe you can find some action on the "anything goes" forum?
What, we going to start saying nanner nanner to each other?

Get it right, it's "neener.. neener"

Maybe you should hand your ipad to your kid who is mature enough to to use forums.

I don't have any kids, my sister and her kids (12 and 5) live with my wife and I. As far as allowing them on the forum, they are not allowed on the Internet without adult supervision. They are not the adults in my house and are required to follow the rules set by the adults, unlike other households. :p

Regardless, I think my (and many others) opinion in this thread has been made clear. If your kids are not old enough to be trusted to not drop your iPad then they should not be touching it or only touching it with adult supervision. As a parent it is of course your choice to take this advice or ignore it and (maybe) cost yourself the price of another iPad.

It's been fun, but I have work to do so I'm outta here. ;)
In my experience the first person to start talking about "hitting a nerve" and "anger" is usually the one with issues. Papa asked for technical advice, not parenting advice. If he had just asked for advice on the best case to protect his iPad in the event of a fall on a hard surface would he have gotten answers telling him he couldn't be trusted With an iPad? His mistake was in offering to much information. Accidents happen, even with adults. If Papa wants extra insurance when he let's his kids use the iPad, that's his decision to make. I don't know why we need a whole thread of "you're a lousy parent" back and forth when the subject is cases.

Figures, the big expert on parenting doesn't have kids.
What, we going to start saying nanner nanner to each other?

Get it right, it's "neener.. neener"

Maybe you should hand your ipad to your kid who is mature enough to to use forums.

I don't have any kids, my sister and her kids (12 and 5) live with my wife and I. As far as allowing them on the forum, they are not allowed on the Internet without adult supervision. They are not the adults in my house and are required to follow the rules set by the adults, unlike other households. :p

Regardless, I think my (and many others) opinion in this thread has been made clear. If your kids are not old enough to be trusted to not drop your iPad then they should not be touching it or only touching it with adult supervision. As a parent it is of course your choice to take this advice or ignore it and (maybe) cost yourself the price of another iPad.

It's been fun, but I have work to do so I'm outta here. ;)

My response is simple:

1) They are my kids and my ipad. I will do with them as I please, and your opinion on that subject means jack to me. But by all means, reccomend a case. that is the purpose of this thread.

2) ANYONE (trusted or not) can drop a IPAD, even your highness. (That would be you.) Do you use a case to protect your ipad?
Why, don't trust yourself? It is really a weak, stupid point your trying to make. (And come off as a ass while doing it I might add.)

I am glad your out of here though. Have a good day. :D
BTW, I did order a zoogue last night.
It is probably not the most protective case. But I am not sure any case out now will protect it for more then a few feet drop.

So, wish me (and my kids) luck on our new toy. Hopefully it lasts until the IPAD 2 comes out. :)

And I do appologize to the forum for the 2nd half of this thread. I did not mean for it to go that way.

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