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Airport City Trading Centre

Anyone on paradise island? I'm beginning to like it, can't seem to get into metropolis. If anyone is in island let me know/add me - ping island. Haven't tried big business but may give it a whirl if people are heading there.... Level:40 Pingways, I need: new items for building upgrades, and catering / long distance flight items / duty free items - especially cookies and perfume
I have played paradise island hd for a while but I now find it too repetitive and boring. I still have the game and my user name is Nuttyuk. I think I'm at about level 31.
Barbara do it, it's better the devil you know with GI.... I'm big business now.... Ping City! Level:40 Pingways, I need: new items for building upgrades, and catering / long distance flight items / duty free items - especially cookies and perfume
hi, sent you a friend request, my city is Zanadu, and I am Citizen Kane II.
It takes a little while to get into it, but once you have there is lots to do. Sadly the only way to add forum friends is via Facebook hence the Fakebook accounts. You can add random friends easily via the game and if you look for the Megapolis Wiki you will find lots of helpful info.
Most importantly it's not GI, each to their own but I personally don't see the point of replacing one GI game with another.

please send nav module or fuel hose to Troglodyte69 (iPad) & spare props or fuel hose to Troglodyte96 (Blocked-iPhone) thanks
Sure, its not GI, but as many others say, its a bit haphazard and we don't know what is what and what to do. I had tried downloading it on iPhone, but the problem persisted and it says that it was problem with my connection when it was all right.(Just like GI, problem with me lol. :) )BTW ,HAVE YOU SEEN WHAT THE COST IS FOR EXPANSIONS? On the FB game, its 8 neighbours + coins. That means you have to have 8 FB friends. That's the max for now, until many join. I don't know about the expansions for the iOS game.
I have played paradise island hd for a while but I now find it too repetitive and boring. I still have the game and my user name is Nuttyuk. I think I'm at about level 31.
I also felt it the same way, repetitive. Though I don't know if it makes any difference after you build the lighthouse or go to the next island, but yes, EXPANSIONS ARE COSTLY AND INCOME IS LESS.
On the asvice of Pingways, I gave another shot at Paradise Island. Many things have changed fromthe las time I played :
+points - quest system has been introduced which was not there the last time.
-points - there seems to be a problem with the sociality system, not allowing me to add ping island
On the asvice of Pingways, I gave another shot at Paradise Island. Many things have changed fromthe las time I played :
+points - quest system has been introduced which was not there the last time.
-points - there seems to be a problem with the sociality system, not allowing me to add ping island
CORRECTION : Quest system only remains for a specific period. It went away forever not to be seen any more. I don't know if it will reappear or not. Pingways, could you please tell where it is(Do you mean the treasure map?)
Captain Boyington, and all others, please add me on Big Business.
Username: Janie2

Janie, I've sent invites for AC under both Janietub and Janie2. Let me know whichever one is your primary and I'll visit it.

Also suffering from absent neighbours. Red dog is MIA at present, amongst others.

I'm a bit backed up on gifts as I've acquired lots of new and low level neighbours - just in case GI turns flaky and cuts you higher level players off. I can at least pick up fuel from them - and I am trying to regift to them. Bear with me. I'm trying to be fair with people but it may take awhile to get back to the usual routine.
Janie, I've sent invites for AC under both Janietub and Janie2. Let me know whichever one is your primary and I'll visit it.

Also suffering from absent neighbours. Red dog is MIA at present, amongst others.

I'm a bit backed up on gifts as I've acquired lots of new and low level neighbours - just in case GI turns flaky and cuts you higher level players off. I can at least pick up fuel from them - and I am trying to regift to them. Bear with me. I'm trying to be fair with people but it may take awhile to get back to the usual routine.
Janietub is not active anymore. Its only Janie2. It was 'blocked' by GI for a rubbish reason, because they wanted to. (Of course they told this in a polite manner.) Ya, the away bug is back and many more show away.
Good plan Fred. Are you joining big business then?

Level:40 Pingways, I need: new items for building upgrades, and catering / long distance flight items / duty free items - especially cookies and perfume

Just downloading

For AC send me what you need For tribez code is f517jes facebook add fred gutty for games only
I have given up with AC at the moment but keeping tabs on the games you are all moving too. Have started paradise island for now and my username there is jdm0101. jdm- level 40.
Morning all,

Rather than communicate to each of you by PM, I will try this way. I really could use airplane repair items and duty free for now. I have neighbours I exchange the same item to everyday just about and want to make sure this is really what you need so I will list who and what I send below, hope that is okay. I will continue to send you what you need, I just ask that if it isn't too much work, if you could send me the airplane repair items and duty free for now, just alternate.

LtColRehab 1 and 2 - deicer
Troglody - navigation modules
Abab - flight catering
Red Dog - alternating jet engine, cockpit glass, landing gear
Luke - spare wire

Now for Fred and Spooker, I have been sending duty free so I get it back. If you need something else, please let me know.

Keladir, I am not sure what you need and if you let me know, I can start gifting to you again.

If I missed anyone, please let me know.

Thanks for all your help, it has made the game much more enjoyable.
Morning all,

Rather than communicate to each of you by PM, I will try this way. I really could use airplane repair items and duty free for now. I have neighbours I exchange the same item to everyday just about and want to make sure this is really what you need so I will list who and what I send below, hope that is okay. I will continue to send you what you need, I just ask that if it isn't too much work, if you could send me the airplane repair items and duty free for now, just alternate.

LtColRehab 1 and 2 - deicer
Troglody - navigation modules
Abab - flight catering
Red Dog - alternating jet engine, cockpit glass, landing gear
Luke - spare wire

Now for Fred and Spooker, I have been sending duty free so I get it back. If you need something else, please let me know.

Keladir, I am not sure what you need and if you let me know, I can start gifting to you again.

If I missed anyone, please let me know.

Thanks for all your help, it has made the game much more enjoyable.

Wabbitgirl, thanks for regularly gifting. I have been returning your deicers from both Rehab accts. I'll send repair and duty free stuff instead! Please send packaging machines to Rehab2, and if you don't have them I can send them for you to return. Need five to complete my fifth and sixth catering facilities. After that, fuel catalysts. For Rehab, fuel hoses would be ideal but any LD flight items are great. Thanks!

LtCol Rehab (may show as "username") - need Long Distance (LD) flight items like spare props, osc beacons, fuel hoses, deicers. LtColRehab2 - need LD flight items, thanks all!
Morning all,

Rather than communicate to each of you by PM, I will try this way. I really could use airplane repair items and duty free for now. I have neighbours I exchange the same item to everyday just about and want to make sure this is really what you need so I will list who and what I send below, hope that is okay. I will continue to send you what you need, I just ask that if it isn't too much work, if you could send me the airplane repair items and duty free for now, just alternate.

LtColRehab 1 and 2 - deicer
Troglody - navigation modules
Abab - flight catering
Red Dog - alternating jet engine, cockpit glass, landing gear
Luke - spare wire

Now for Fred and Spooker, I have been sending duty free so I get it back. If you need something else, please let me know.

Keladir, I am not sure what you need and if you let me know, I can start gifting to you again.

If I missed anyone, please let me know.

Thanks for all your help, it has made the game much more enjoyable.
Thanks for the FCs. I will send you gyroscopes and the other high level repair item which I have (don't remember) alternatively.
I have given up with AC at the moment but keeping tabs on the games you are all moving too. Have started paradise island for now and my username there is jdm0101. jdm- level 40.
Lets see if I can add you. I tried Pingways but could not. I will try to add you anyway, and just FYI, my username in Paradise Island is - Best island 123.

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