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Where in the world?-discussions

OK, a quick comment. I do like the way in which WitW is going. The poster's own photos add a great touch to the challenges.

My gut instinct is that this is the way to go. Hopefully this approach will attract more participants. Personal accounts etc are so much better than working with stock images! Scifan's current challenge, the photo of the observation tower, has a real wow factor.

What do others think. Is it possible to run a poll thread?

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If this is to keep going, I suggest textual clues. We've had them in the past and it has worked. We can discuss using pictures until the cows come home, but the cold fact is that we don't qualify for "fair use", because our primary purpose as a group of forums is not educational, it is commercial. Whether people advertise or not on WitW, they will advertise on the rest of the forums in our group. Text has other benefits too. It forces the framing of a specific question, and is undeniably the posters own work, as are any answers.l

It has been mentioned that we can use people's own photographs, but that would be too limiting.

Looking at the rules as I rewrote them, they look like the constitution of a small country, not the rules for a very simple game. I'm not satisfied with them, and I think they will serve to frighten off anyone who doesn't know the history of the game.

To close, I think we could start again, using textual clues and typed answers. The intention of the game was to have something that required nothing more than an iPad in order to play, so I immediately discount anything that involves having to use a computer for whatever reason. As a moderator, I have to say I would not be happy with a thread that forced me to check large numbers of photographs for copyright infringement, or external links for possible issues. I hope everyone can see my point.
Textual clues may be the only way to keep the thread going for the long term.I do think,however,that if a poster does have a suitable photo of their own ,they should be able to use it.
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Of course, anything that belongs to a member may be used, but in the main, we will be down to text. I think it's a great opportunity to go forward.

I like the idea of scifan's game that he PMed to me and will support it. Familiar object from an unusual angle. Great idea. Using the detective skills we have built up playing WitW, I should think it will be an immediate success.

I will continue to try out ideas that come to me for threads that will be of interest to members. WitW was a classic in its original form, Desert Island Disks not so much, but some you win, some you lose. No harm in trying anything.

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If/when a new thread is started, it may need a new name as WitW seems to be out of favour now.

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55julie55 said:
Gosh guys ,I leave you for a few days and all this happens!!!

Yes, it has been quite challenging. We are adjusting to the new conditions, however.

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Richard,in regards to the Greenwich Park location of your last challenge,what do you think of what they did to Queen's House,a class I listed building and a scheduled ancient monument located in a UNESCO world heritage site,when they decided to build a temporary arena for olympic equestrian events there?
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scifan57 said:
Richard,in regards to the Greenwich Park location of your last challenge,what do you think of what they did to Queen's House,a class I listed building and a scheduled ancient monument located in a unesco world heritage site when they decided to build a temporary arena for olympic equestrian events there?

There was a lot of controversy about the erection of a temporary horse trials venue for the Olympics. I haven't been to see what was done. Hopefully the park won't be damaged, although it will take time for the grass etc to recover.

I was at Woolwich for the first tine in 5 years, and amazed at the temporary buildings complex on the.common in front of the barracks, and the extent of road closures. I don't know what is going on up there, but it's extremely intrusive in many ways; not right to me.

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Richard Brown said:
There was a lot of controversy about the erection of a temporary horse trials venue for the Olympics. I haven't been to see what was done. Hopefully the park won't be damaged, although it will take time for the grass etc to recover.

I was at Woolwich for the first tine in 5 years, and amazed at the temporary buildings complex on the.common in front of the barracks, and the extent of road closures. I don't know what is going on up there, but it's extremely intrusive in many ways; not right to me.

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Here's a news article.

The arena is in the space between the Royal Observatory and Queen's House.
And Woolwich barracks open ace will be the Olympics shooting venue.

Try this link http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-13349085

It's amazing how extensive the buildings are and the traffic disruption.

As to using Greenwich, there are other horse eventing venues, such as Badminton,, which could have served the Olympics better than Greenwich Park.

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