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Where in the world?-discussions

I agree with scifan. I've been looking at the possibility of citing "fair use" but since iPadForums is a commercial operation, we do not qualify for uncited use of material. I've been out and busy, but this has been on my mind.

I'm sorry to say that I think it's the end of the road. The thread can stay open for the time being in case anyone thinks of any reasonable way of carrying on, but I think it will become so complex that it wouldn't be worth trying to plough through the rules just to play what was supposed to be a simple game.

Thanks to Gabriel and his efforts in trying to help steer a path through this minefield. If anyone can think of a way to carry on without adding massive complexity I'm all ears, but I'm not hopeful.

Sent from my iPad 4 HD mini
The Admiral has just solved what may be the final challenge in where in the world.
It was certainly fun while it lasted.
Has anyone thought of the possibility of a words only version of the game,where the poster would describe an event or location and we would have a guess based on the clues provided.
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What about the use of Google maps satellite and street views? It would substantially reduce the number of places and sites available, but if attribution to Google is enough, it would make the game playable.
twerppoet said:
What about the use of Google maps satellite and street views? It would substantially reduce the number of places and sites available, but if attribution to Google is enough, it would make the game playable.

I was thinking of that possibility myself.Maybe Gabriel could look into the legal ramifications and what sort of attribution would be required.Members would also be free to use their own photos,if they have any.
scifan57 said:
The Admiral has just solved what may be the final challenge in where in the world.
It was certainly fun while it lasted.
Has anyone thought of the possibility of a words only version of the game,where the poster would describe an event or location and we would have a guess based on the clues provided.

Word clue game sounds interesting. Might even
catch a few more casual players by removing the hunt for images aspect. While I enjoy that part of WITW, it does require a fair bit of searching depending on the challenge difficulty.

I just just had a scathingly anti - capitalist idea.
Perhaps we can lobby the execs of iPF to not run an ad bar in the WITW thread. We could be declared a non-commercial / not for profit educational thread. Shouldn't have to lawyer up for that.
AdmiralAdama said:
I just just had a scathingly anti - capitalist idea.
Perhaps we can lobby the execs of iPF to not run an ad bar in the WITW thread. We could be declared a non-commercial / not for profit educational thread. Shouldn't have to lawyer up for that.

It's worth a try,things can't get any worse.
I sent a PM to Gabriel and he sent me this link.it seems at least as complicated as the use of images from Wikipedia.
Google Permissions ? Maps/Earth Guidelines

Thanks for the link, Scifan.

A little digging, and heir policy on Street View is no caching (storing) of the images. You can only use their API's to display the content, which even if we could figure out how to include those in a post would point right to the location. So, that's out too.
There's a new challenge up on where in the world;with my own picture,no rights violations.
twerppoet said:
Thanks for the link, Scifan.

A little digging, and heir policy on Street View is no caching (storing) of the images. You can only use their API's to display the content, which even if we could figure out how to include those in a post would point right to the location. So, that's out too.

Too bad.
This all looks ominous.

The challenges could be text, or poster's own photographs. Out of copyright images could be used? Hopefully WitW can adapt to keep up with the red tape.

I too had thought about the "fair use" route as regards posting photographs. The thread is promoting education, without a commercial purpose. The vehicle for the promotion happens to be commercial. I would have thought fair use applies in the case of WitW.

Sent from my iPad 1 using iPF - Greetings
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