iPF Novice
Hi Luke, For about two weeks now, when I visit Rigby's, it just tells me that the player has been away too long, so I can't even click on five structures. With that problem, I stopped visiting his airport I knew that he had the blocks and that he couldn't give gifts, but this is a further complication. Also, can you clarify....I didn't think that he could receive gifts. I thought that when he was blocked for time travelling (falsely), that he couldn't give OR receive gifts. As such, I stopped sending stuff to him. Cheers, Nutty
Thanks for letting me know. He's still able to receive gifts.
Rigby's city is very much open for business. I usually check on both airports regularly myself each day.
When the boy returns from school he usually takes over as he does at weekends. Although I do try to check on his airport at weekends and before I go to bed each night.
This must be a further punishment or glitch in a very long line of others. I wonder if the android players are able to gift as normal now or they still facing further problems like us.
Don't worry about sending gifts to him anyway Nutty. I know how difficult it is to gift everyone each day,especially now many of us can't return.
I'm fortunate enough to get more gifts each day than I can return on my own airport. I also try to gift back to the neighbours who gift my sons airport. There's a core of neighbours I gift return each day like yourself, forum players. Then I have a gift cue for other neighbours who I receive from. I also try to gift to some of the other players who can't gift anymore, whenever I can. I wish I could gift them unfairly penalised players each day but that's impossible.
Long distance items please. My sons Airport is called "Rigby's city" He can't gift anymore as he's been unfairly penalised.
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