Just opened my airport and it appears the University quest is back...another recycled questPdxsk2 Lvl 40 ipad / Pdxsk3 Lvl 40 iPhone - spare wire or fuel hose please
I tend to try and back up once a month [...]
Just opened my airport and it appears the University quest is back...another recycled quest
Pdxsk2 Lvl 40 ipad / Pdxsk3 Lvl 40 iPhone - spare wire or fuel hose please
Yes but a different reward this time and when I opened my game it said I had completed the quest and gave me the reward without me having to do anything!
AC Sian and David : Tribez 3cf44b7 (Eileen Dover)
Hi Luke. Thanks for adding me. Thanks for the backup info I will do that. I am not able to send Long distance items, so what can I send you instead?
So I won't get this cyclotron building this year? It's unfair! ... I know, it's only a game![]()
Yes but a different reward this time and when I opened my game it said I had completed the quest and gave me the reward without me having to do anything!
AC Sian and David : Tribez 3cf44b7 (Eileen Dover)
Yes, I am one helmet away from completion on Rehab. If you built a university last time and completed those two collections four times, you get the prize now. On Rehab2, I am starting relatively fresh with some items that have dropped from pyramids over the last year, but no collections done yet. This is an easy challenge, with flights only, and no items required for the flights. Also no mini-quests on the left side of the screen. At least you have three new flight destinations to fly to and collect nine more stars...we are so easily amused. That won't last in the long run... LtCol Rehab (may show as "username") - need Long Distance (LD) flight items like spare props, osc beacons, fuel hoses, deicers. LtColRehab2 - need LD flight items, thanks all!
Hi Luke,Hi ben. I've sent you a neighbours invite. If I was you I would do a complete back up via itunes. For this you will need to connect your apple device to a PC or laptop. It only takes 5 mins and it will save your game progress up to that point. Long distance items please. My sons Airport is called "Rigby's city" He can't gift anymore as he's been unfairly penalised.
My son also plays Airport City but has to work for a living so can't spend as much time as me reading forums and finding neighbours. I like what Luke has been doing for his son so thought I would give it a try also and give my son a hand. His code name is Messiah316 and he is level 21 and really needs neighbours especially who has a university so he has a chance with this new challenge. If you can add him, that would be great. I will you know what you can gift him and let him know from your signatures what he can gift you. Thanks!
I am more than happy for him to add me but obviously I can't gift and am not sure if I can be visited.
AC Sian and David : Tribez 3cf44b7 (Eileen Dover)
Same here. I'll look forward to launches again, after this challenge is over. Looks like you are getting ready for some flying for pyramids soon?
LtCol Rehab (may show as "username") - need Long Distance (LD) flight items like spare props, osc beacons, fuel hoses, deicers. LtColRehab2 - need LD flight items, thanks all!