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Airport City Trading Centre

Something interesting going on with the Android users. After the latest update, all their maximum population is out of control. Apparently GI forgot to add in commercial buildings when calculating their population so now they are way over and can't place the new Santa buildings. Wonder if we are next or does anyone know if they have been calculating right for IOS users?

This is GI's response to their problems, what a joke this is:

Thank you for your request!

The mayor of your city decided to sum up the results of the outgoing year and to take a census of population. He really wanted to know how many people populate the city, so this year he asked the agents to be especially thorough and to come over not only the residential houses, but the working places of the citizens as well. The data received turned out to be pretty interesting: it became apparent that many people in the Airport City are so hard-working and dedicated to their jobs, that they actually live at their working places and consider the commercial establishments of the city their homes!

The mayor was so pleased to see the result like this, that he ordained a law, according to which all the commercial buildings will from now on be the part of such procedures in the future, and this became a new game feature as well.

Now if you want to build a new building, but the population level is out-of-limit high, you should demolish one of the older constructions first. It will lower the population level and you will get the permission to construct a new building right away!

Also very soon you will get an opportunity to upgrade the main building to level 8, and your Aiport City will become a hospitable home to even more citizens!

I hope you will appreciate the true value of the changes integrated into the game. Thank you for being our player!
Troglodyte69 - Thank you for your brilliant placement of 2 small snow covered buildings that are in the center of my screen when I first visit your city. It makes it easy to find them because I needed to harvest them. Thanks! :)

You're most welcome, sorry I can't send anything for this quest as it is completed on 69 and I am blocked on 96. Will try to remember to send you catering in future.
Something interesting going on with the Android users. After the latest update, all their maximum population is out of control. Apparently GI forgot to add in commercial buildings when calculating their population so now they are way over and can't place the new Santa buildings. Wonder if we are next or does anyone know if they have been calculating right for IOS users? This is GI's response to their problems, what a joke this is: Thank you for your request! The mayor of your city decided to sum up the results of the outgoing year and to take a census of population. He really wanted to know how many people populate the city, so this year he asked the agents to be especially thorough and to come over not only the residential houses, but the working places of the citizens as well. The data received turned out to be pretty interesting: it became apparent that many people in the Airport City are so hard-working and dedicated to their jobs, that they actually live at their working places and consider the commercial establishments of the city their homes! The mayor was so pleased to see the result like this, that he ordained a law, according to which all the commercial buildings will from now on be the part of such procedures in the future, and this became a new game feature as well. Now if you want to build a new building, but the population level is out-of-limit high, you should demolish one of the older constructions first. It will lower the population level and you will get the permission to construct a new building right away! Also very soon you will get an opportunity to upgrade the main building to level 8, and your Aiport City will become a hospitable home to even more citizens! I hope you will appreciate the true value of the changes integrated into the game. Thank you for being our player!

OMG - that's either a poor attempt at humor or complete ignorance to pass it off as intentional. Even GI calls their mistakes "new features!" They must be reading this forum...

LtCol Rehab (may show as "username") - need Long Distance (LD) flight items like spare props, osc beacons, fuel hoses, deicers. LtColRehab2 - need LD flight items, thanks all!
OMG - that's either a poor attempt at humor or complete ignorance to pass it off as intentional. Even GI calls their mistakes "new features!" They must be reading this forum... LtCol Rehab (may show as "username") - need Long Distance (LD) flight items like spare props, osc beacons, fuel hoses, deicers. LtColRehab2 - need LD flight items, thanks all!

I'm sure they read all the forums, maybe we should try to think up more "new features" for them. Anyway, in case I don't get the chance to look in tomorrow, I would just like to wish everyone (even GI) a very Merry Christmas.

please send spare props or fuel hoses to Troglodyte69 (iPad) & any sleigh hanger stuff to Troglodyte96 (Blocked-iPhone) thanks
OMG - that's either a poor attempt at humor or complete ignorance to pass it off as intentional. Even GI calls their mistakes "new features!" They must be reading this forum...

LtCol Rehab (may show as "username") - need Long Distance (LD) flight items like spare props, osc beacons, fuel hoses, deicers. LtColRehab2 - need LD flight items, thanks all!

There is quite a thread going on about this and several users have said they got the exact same response from GI. At first I thought it was a joke but now I believe it to be true. The Android users are somewhat upset having to sell so many buildings after spending greenies to expand to hold all the buildings they were able to buy.

As for my problem with being called a cheater, this is part of my email from them:

"I have checked your game details and should inform you that according to our database your game was blocked for changing time/date settings on your device." .....how is this even possible for them to check....they can't see my device.

If they had really checked my details they would have noticed that I am not actually blocked, I was able to complete the launch and I am sure my gifts are getting out. They did send me a code to unblock my game but I am not going to use it. I did send a reply back, now to see what they have to say. I ended it with "I am a 60 year old retired grandmother who likes to play games"....LOL
Wishing everybody a very Merry Christmas with your friends and family
May we all have a safe Christmas, Happy flying to everybody on the forum it's been great to have such good friends....
Something interesting going on with the Android users. After the latest update, all their maximum population is out of control. Apparently GI forgot to add in commercial buildings when calculating their population so now they are way over and can't place the new Santa buildings. Wonder if we are next or does anyone know if they have been calculating right for IOS users? This is GI's response to their problems, what a joke this is: Thank you for your request! The mayor of your city decided to sum up the results of the outgoing year and to take a census of population. He really wanted to know how many people populate the city, so this year he asked the agents to be especially thorough and to come over not only the residential houses, but the working places of the citizens as well. The data received turned out to be pretty interesting: it became apparent that many people in the Airport City are so hard-working and dedicated to their jobs, that they actually live at their working places and consider the commercial establishments of the city their homes! The mayor was so pleased to see the result like this, that he ordained a law, according to which all the commercial buildings will from now on be the part of such procedures in the future, and this became a new game feature as well. Now if you want to build a new building, but the population level is out-of-limit high, you should demolish one of the older constructions first. It will lower the population level and you will get the permission to construct a new building right away! Also very soon you will get an opportunity to upgrade the main building to level 8, and your Aiport City will become a hospitable home to even more citizens! I hope you will appreciate the true value of the changes integrated into the game. Thank you for being our player!

..........What should I say? I wonder what surprise is waiting for the iOS players. GI think of us as a joke!
There is quite a thread going on about this and several users have said they got the exact same response from GI. At first I thought it was a joke but now I believe it to be true. The Android users are somewhat upset having to sell so many buildings after spending greenies to expand to hold all the buildings they were able to buy. As for my problem with being called a cheater, this is part of my email from them: "I have checked your game details and should inform you that according to our database your game was blocked for changing time/date settings on your device." .....how is this even possible for them to check....they can't see my device. If they had really checked my details they would have noticed that I am not actually blocked, I was able to complete the launch and I am sure my gifts are getting out. They did send me a code to unblock my game but I am not going to use it. I did send a reply back, now to see what they have to say. I ended it with "I am a 60 year old retired grandmother who likes to play games"....LOL

Those crooks. They dont have any other work.
And BTW, this may be very interesting to you : i took my iPad to US with AIRPORT CITY OPEN and the GAME WAS NOT BLOCKED. ?!?!
I wish everybody a merry Christmas. Have a happy and fun-filled day ahead! For those who believe in Santa, wish that GI erect this game.

I would also appreciate another sleigh cover within an hour since I would be going out of wifi coverage. Thanks.
Wishing everybody a very Merry Christmas with your friends and family May we all have a safe Christmas, Happy flying to everybody on the forum it's been great to have such good friends....
Thanks for your lovely words,
Have a wonderful holiday, one and all.
Those crooks. They dont have any other work. And BTW, this may be very interesting to you : i took my iPad to US with AIRPORT CITY OPEN and the GAME WAS NOT BLOCKED. ?!?!

That will be your new year's gift from GI...!

Merry Christmas and a joyous New Year to all my forum friends.

And yes, to GI also (I have infinite forgiveness).

LtCol Rehab (may show as "username") - need Long Distance (LD) flight items like spare props, osc beacons, fuel hoses, deicers. LtColRehab2 - need LD flight items, thanks all!
Last edited:
Merry Christmas everyone, thanks for all the help in making my game experience so much more enjoyable.

Let's all hope GI doesn't mess up with our game and cause the same frustration the Android users are experiencing right now. This is another reply from GI to a user who wrote "are you kidding me" about the population count:

Ksenia Teterevkova, Dec 25 08:00:
My name is Ksenia and I'm glad to assist you today.

I understand your reaction to the difficulties you faced when playing our game and I would like to thank you for drawing our attention to this matter.

Now if you want to build a new building, but the population level is out-of-limit high, you should demolish one of the older constructions first. It will lower the population level and you will get the permission to construct a new building right away!

Also very soon you will get an opportunity to upgrade the main building to level 8, and your Aiport City will become a hospitable home to even more citizens!

I transferred your comment to our developers for consideration and they will certainly take it into account. By sharing your opinion and experience, you are helping us recognize what we do well, and what we need to focus on improving. We do appreciate that you are playing our game and contribute to making the game better and enjoyable.

Should you have any other suggestions or come across game questions you need my assistance with, please feel free to e-mail me back and open the request for a further discussion. Your interest in our game is highly appreciated!

Ksenia Teterevkova
Your Support Team
Merry Christmas to everyone!
It's a very white Christmas over here with a lot of snow. It's beautiful but also very cold. Makes me want to go back to the tropics where I lived for 14 years. Good memories.

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