iPF Novice
I managed to complete the mission control centre (level 3) so it's thanks to my neighbours, but subsequently, I cannot now send antennas to anybody. This will progressively make it more difficult for others to achieve the goal. Sorry that I cannot send these items. (I also note that today, my neighbour (@)ydl(@) no longer has the 4 rocket parks on his/her airport. I wonder if GI have had an input?...seems rather strange. I did wonder whether this is a real player or perhaps a test-bed for GI's game developers. I tried sending a few gifts to him but never got anything in return). Nutty
Congrats on the mission control centre, frustrating that the relevant gifts disappear on completion, guess it's to encourage people to spend money.
I agree that (@)ydl(@) must be a tester, that at least makes sense.
I see there's another update available, blurb is the same as for the previous one. I'm going in, maybe some time!
wireless compasses, blankets or stuff for new buildings needed at Troglodyte69 (iPad) please & fuel hoses, or packaging machines at Troglodyte96 (Blocked-iPhone). Any contribution gratefully received, thank you.