iPF Novice
Sorry, I'm not advanced enough to send any antennas yet, but I could really use 4 yagi-uda antennas if you plan to upgrade.HVWH4 or RobWu, can either of you send Vivaldi antennas? WG2 needs 4 of them. The other antennas are no problem but these seem to be hard to come by.
If you want to stock up on the yagi-uda antenna, I can send those before they are gone with my upgrade.
I'll send defroster in next 6 hours, do you want to stock them up for the next catering service?I received an antenna from WG2, but nothing from WG. Actually I haven't received anything lately from WG. I now have enough cooling chambers, just need 2 packaging machines and 1 defroster to complete the catering service.
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