App Store issues
To col.bris:
FYI: I have had and still have the same problem with the app store that TBurns has had. Rebooting does not resolve the problem. Apple needs to spend a little more time on the store structure and a little less time trying to control every aspect of iPad use (I'm referring to the change in the camera accessory since the last iOS update).
However, I have followed others' advice and now use other shopper apps. Still, our inability to use the native apple app store has got to be a disadvantage for lesser known developers.
To col.bris:
FYI: I have had and still have the same problem with the app store that TBurns has had. Rebooting does not resolve the problem. Apple needs to spend a little more time on the store structure and a little less time trying to control every aspect of iPad use (I'm referring to the change in the camera accessory since the last iOS update).