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Anyone else getting into the following habit?


iPF Noob
I do most of my surfing on my iPad anymore - the instant on/off is one of the main reasons. I have gotten so used to hitting the title bar to get to the top of the page while surfing, I have found myself doing the same thing while on my laptop. 5 times today alone...

Anyone else notice their iPad habits transferring to their Desktop/Laptop?
Well it isn't instant on or off since that feature is closer to simply locking it in a sleep state. A back to top feature is one I rarely use on the iPad let alone my Tower. Most of my iPad habits cannot transfer often due to the fact that they're two different types of technology. They each meet a specific demand they other may not be able to or just not as well so in that regard each has a reason for being in ones everyday use at the same time.
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I have done this since I got the first iPhone in 2007! And I still do it. :)

I wish desktop browsers had that functionality. Nothing like having to MANUALLY scroll to the top....lol.

As far as claiming it is not really "instant on" that is being a tad pedantic IMNSHO.

My PC is nearly instant on in the same way the Ipad is. From full sleep to ready for input is a matter of a couple of seconds on the PC so I didn't see a ton of difference in that with the Ipad. Both the PC and Ipad take some time to actually reach a ready for input state from an actual power off state, but who shuts these things down anymore?

The "home" key on your keyboard will take you to the top of the page (at least in the PC World. I would guess in Apple land as well).
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The "home" key on your keyboard will take you to the top of the page (at least in the PC World. I would guess in Apple land as well).

Right, however, personally, that would mean (laziness, really) taking my hand off the mouse. yes, I'm a lazy surfer.
Nope. I have many different toys in my home. Between a Mac, pc, iPad, wii, ps3, xbox, directv, gps, car stereo, ect.. Everything is different so I adapt to each device but never cross over. That would be messy.
Anyone else notice their iPad habits transferring to their Desktop/Laptop?

My 22 month old daughter tries to use the screen on a netbook as an input device, as a black netbook looks a bit like my iPad in it's apple case. She has about 20 games on iPad. Ipads are much more iniitive for children than a pc.
The "home" key on your keyboard will take you to the top of the page (at least in the PC World. I would guess in Apple land as well).

Right, however, personally, that would mean (laziness, really) taking my hand off the mouse. yes, I'm a lazy surfer.

There's a home key? Dang! All this time I been whining cause I couldn't jump to the top! I gotta try this...

to the OP, I agree with the instant on.. my laptop isn't happy if it sleeps for days without shutting off, the ipad however is just fine with it.
And the other thing I have found is my finger touching my Blackberry Screen..... dang I need a Torch. I got all used to touch screen devices again!
I try to touch laptop screens now. It's pretty funny but thankfully I use my iPad 99.999999% of the time so it doesn't happen often!
The "home" key on your keyboard will take you to the top of the page (at least in the PC World. I would guess in Apple land as well).

Right, however, personally, that would mean (laziness, really) taking my hand off the mouse. yes, I'm a lazy surfer.

There's a home key? Dang! All this time I been whining cause I couldn't jump to the top! I gotta try this...

to the OP, I agree with the instant on.. my laptop isn't happy if it sleeps for days without shutting off, the ipad however is just fine with it.
And the other thing I have found is my finger touching my Blackberry Screen..... dang I need a Torch. I got all used to touch screen devices again!
I thought it was a bug that was making it jump to the top.
With the iPad I've come to love touch control.

Just bought a magic trackpad to replace the mouse. Liking it so far and theres loads of new touch controls to learn yet (using JiTouch app).
The "home" key on your keyboard will take you to the top of the page (at least in the PC World. I would guess in Apple land as well).

Right, however, personally, that would mean (laziness, really) taking my hand off the mouse. yes, I'm a lazy surfer.

There's a home key? Dang! All this time I been whining cause I couldn't jump to the top! I gotta try this...

to the OP, I agree with the instant on.. my laptop isn't happy if it sleeps for days without shutting off, the ipad however is just fine with it.
And the other thing I have found is my finger touching my Blackberry Screen..... dang I need a Torch. I got all used to touch screen devices again!

Wait, you let your iPad sleep for DAYS at a time? Send it to me where I will give it a proper home full of attention, tender caresses and daily charging needed. :D
Rumour has it that Apple are researching touch screens as a part of the next iMac design, so there's hope that you'll all be right at home on your big machines in the very near future.


In the mean time, as somebody else said, there's the Magic Trackpad, which works really very well!

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