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Anyone use a stylus?

I am using the Targus from BestBuy and it works great! I have a screen protector and the pen does not squeak

I am using Note Taker HD and it is real good. I tried penultimate, but find notetaker beter

I am using the Targus stylus from Best Buy and it works great. I have a screen protector and it does not squeak.

I have also started using Note Taker HD and like it much better than penultimate

I have the pogo sketch stylus and I use it as much as possible.
I bought several..I keep one at home, one in the car and one at work
I also am a Targus stylus and Penultimate user with no screen protecter and have no squeaking. I also use the stylus on Notes Plus and that various iPad games. I don't think the Targus stylus will squeak b/c of the type of rubber on the tip.
I started with the Pogo Sketch Stylus but changed to the Boxwave. I have the Zagg screen protector and have no problems with the Boxwave stylus including no squeaking.
I use the Targus stylus and have the Moshi iVisor AG Screen Protector, they both work great. The Moshi iVisor is fantastic, goes on so quick and easy, no bubbles anywhere, it is a little expensive though.
Wherever I write on the screen (with my Targus), the edge of my palm and part of my wrist are actually touching or resting on the screen as well (unless I'm writing at the very bottom of the screen, then my hand can rest on the bezel. That's the one of the best thing about Note Taker HD; you can write everything from the bottom of the screen if you like).

Not all styluses work well on a screen that that is/has been touched by living human skin. The Targus works very well for me. I use it in Neu Annotate, Neu Notes, NTHD and Notes Plus.
I have a Targus from Bestbuy as well. I find that to write notes it works about as expected, I do find when I try to scroll thru the screens or apps it sometimes does not sense the stylus and I have to do it twice. I have had no noise either.
does any forum member here have that Stylus r us stylus? I have seen several messages where they are promoting themselves but I would like to hear from a regular member of the forum before I go buy one. I would like to buy a stylus and so far am leaning toward the targus, but I must say I like the pen like appearance of the stylus r us.

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