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Anyone Use Their iPad At The Office/Work?

i guess you raise an important issue, is the ipad and will the ipad eventually take over from the humble laptop?i personally cant see that happening as my ipads for entertainment purposes, on the other hand my laptops for work, emails etc.
You never know about this computer and internet stuff.
They could put an internet computer in a pack of chewing gum but how would you see it, or hear it, or type on it?

If you like the concept of pure knowledge in real time then we are living in changing times.

Flood level in Louisiana? Instant. Radiation level in Japan? Instant. National debt of the USA? Instant.

Most things in life are not pure. They may be workable by they are not accurate. The real time internet on any sort of device is not perfect but it is purer than most other things.

A seventeen year old high school dropout in Mississippi with broad shoulders and a strong back may not see much of a future down home but they just may hire him up when he turns eighteen in the oil and gas fields of Dakota. North or South.

The next Miley Cyrus or Dakota Fanning may be stuck way up in Maine until they put their best work on FaceBook.

The internet is sort of like power to the people without the political overtones. You can get the internet on your television these days. Or your XBox or your PS3 or your TiVo or your Apple or your Windows.

2011 is a point in history. It is a point where almost anyone can access almost any bit of knowlege freely.

Think about that for just a moment. Anyone, anywhere, with a handheld or laptop or desktop device can access any bit of knowlege that has been accumlated in the history of mankind.

You should be proud. You should be proud of your Apple or your Linux or your Microsoft or whatever you use. The fact that you use it makes it that much more available to everyone else.

2011. About 90% of the people in the world can access about 99% of the knowledge in the world with ther finger. No matter what the problems there are in the world, that is something of which you can be proud.

If you are in this forum you are a part of it.
Yes, definitely. Sometimes at work, I uber-multitask by doing work on my (slow) laptop and, while that is loading a file or web page, I also do work on the iPad.

Also, I was on vacation last week and usually carry my laptop with me to check work e-mails, etc. I experimented by just taking my iPad with me and all was fine. I opened attachments, wrote to customers, wrote to my factory, etc. I hope to gradually do away with the laptop on the road. BTW, I had the Apple portable keyboard with me and that helped.

Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
No I don't use it for work. In my work I have to do lots of typing and deal with lots of enterprise level applications. So iPad is of no use.
I've been using my iPad for nearly a year at work. Email, Contacts, Calendar, viewing documents in meetings, taking notes, etc. I've been trying to eliminate paper as much as possible. I also use my docked laptop when I'm just at my desk but still have my iPad right next to me as I multitask.

The only thing that I haven't solved (so far) is that my job requires me to review legal documents that heavily use MS Word track changes and comments. The only iPad app I've been told (on the Apps forum BTW) that can handle this is Documents to Go. I haven't bought it yet but am about to unless someone has a better suggestion.

This iPad is was primarily purchased as a test bed for electronic publishing. I use it primarily for note taking and for dealing with documents when away from my desk. Typing on the onscreen keyboard is limited and the auto-correct drives me nuts, but the form factor is about right. It is also useful for presentations.
As a contractor for the federal govt in DC the iPad is entertainment (movies) on the 1hr metro ride in, web surfer and email viewer for any attachments that are useless on the govt supplied blackberry. At work, it is a discrete tool at meetings to look things up on the fly or even kill time for a few minutes during off topic meetings. I still have the govt supplied desktop for serious typing, but the iPad keeps me connected to personal email and checking IPF during lunch ;)
For me the it has been the end of a case of tendinitis due to carrying an overloaded laptop bag. Now it is just a plain old leather portfolio (thanks to client) that gives me a nice Gray Man method to carry it. Life is much better 10lbs lighter!
Yes. We're loaded with computers at work, but I use my iPad apps for work. Many of my co-workers use iPads, too. It's a great tool, beyond the fun stuff. I think I could legitimately deduct part of my iPad and 3G costs, but it wouldn't be worth the possible IRS audit.
I plan on using mine in meetings etc... Hoping that i can use other functions as well for systems we have.
Mine is in constant use on my desk.

Skype is hooked up constantly to my head office, and my note app, diary app and email apps are always open for use.

My iPod touch also acts as an email alerter.
I use mine at work.

I put the PDFs of our branch floor plans on it and open them with Goodreader. I use them to check the status of the merchandising fixtures in the branches.

Saves me from having to carry the floor plans on ledger sized paper.

I'm an Assistant Editor for film and TV, I use drop list to sync a check list of tasks with drop box,

Great way to cover my butt with a paper trail and not forget things when tons of tasks pile up,

Also iPad is great for reading scripts in PDF and searching within a PDF for specific scenes so I dont look like an idiot when I am asked questions concerning the script,

And most of all, I use remote desktop on the iPad to do heavy video rendering that needs to be done overnight and ready the next day.
Unfortunately Apple is stillna NoGo in my company. It is slowely changing, but this takes time.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Running into a small issue .... My email works well on the offices wifi but applications like Bloomberg, Reuters etc don't. Assume our proxy server is not letting me go. Through the ports that the iPad utilizes for those applications.

Anyone has any suggestions ?

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