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iPF Noob
Hello All

I'm new to the forum and would be grateful for any help.

I am a therapist and I constantly lug around lots of notes and various other bits and bobs so I would like to leave all of those notes behind and have all information accessible on ipad, so what I would like to find out is what would be the best way/app to do the following

a) Create a form where they fill in name etc and that that they could sign at the bottom

b) I would like to create a form where all of the different aspect of the treatments are on (currently in a spreadsheet form) where I could open a new spreadsheet with all necessary fields that would have a drop down box for the various options so that I can just click it rather than having to write everything out.

c) If possible but not imperative I would like to record each session which would last between one to one and half hours

d) Finally I'd like to collate all of these together and have a place where i could just click on clients name and it would open a file with all of these

Is this possible? I hope so but I have no idea where to start.

Thank you in advance for any assistance that you can give

: )
Can anyone help me with this or re-direct to somewhere that may know.


The iPad is an app-centric device, so obviously your solution will boil down to any available app that will suit your purpose. Have you yourself searched the forum and Safari/Googled for an answer?
Certainly your aims seem worthwhile and deserving of an answer, and since it's been over a week with no response to your request, I'm transferring this thread started by you to the Help sub-forum. I trust you will have some success there.
Regards, Andrew

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