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App update issue.

Huh. Methinks they are confused! :)

I would not do anything such as a restore. Apart from me losing my jail break, even if were stock, that seems like an awful lot of work for updates. Given the amount of people across the web with this issue, I firmly believe it's an Apple problem. Seems a waste of time to do anything about it other than just wait (and maybe check the Updates tab every now and then). Of course, that's me, YMMV. :)

Other than searching through your Purchases tab to find the updates (if that badge irks you or if you want your updates) - my recommendation is to just wait.

First one to get that page to load: come back and tell us all? Meanwhile, I'm off to search for those three updates now showing - cause yes, I AM one of those that is bothered by badges on an icon. Looks so messy! :D


I have had an update problem for three days and suddenly my app update section now works. I had tried everything to no avail but for no reason at all apparently I am now back in business and the app update section works. Perhaps Apple has fixed this at their servers?
Doug Victoria BC
Well you made me go look.

And ... YES! I am now updating like normal! Whoohoo! :)

To all of you reading this [and are now going to check] - hope its the same for you.

Both my iPhone 5 (iOS 6.1.4) and my iPad 4 (iOS 6.1.3) are CDMA and I've not had any problems with updates - I've had several over the past week and they completed normally. I'm wondering if this is confined to certain geographical areas.

I wonder if this is connected to the recent Apple developer area compromise.

****remember everyone that the "purchased" apps are set up in pages in alphabetic order. There are many pages of them. I had to go all the way to R's before I found the one that needed updating.
Okay. An update on the problem -- my apps store badge was showing 9 updates on hold in the chute.

First, I had started an thread on the IP4 forum that got merged into this one (and closed over there). Thanks to the mods for the redirect link.

Next, I tried all of the suggested steps by doing the step and then touching the apps badge to see if it would download and install updates.

Here's how it went:
- Reboot (turn off and back on) - nothing happened.
- Reset (hold home and on/off button until the screen blanks and the apple logo reappears) - nothing happened.
- Log out of apps store and log back in - nothing happened
- Set to Airplane mode -- something happened.

(Recall that after each approach I tried it to see if the apps would update.)

When I tried the Airplane mode suggestion I left it in Airplane mode for several minutes.

Then, when I took it out of Airplane mode and touched the apps badge it began buffering and the apps to be updated began to show in a list. Also, I noted it was at a 20% state of charge. So, I plugged it into the wall to assure it had adequate power for whatever was needed and left it running.

Everything updated and it is back to normal.

Thanks again to the several for the suggestions.
Ok, I have tried everything suggested in this thread besides the deleting of the iCloud account. didnt think that would help anyway.

What finally allowed mine to get to the update screen again was what Rickwinger (poster right above me) did last: Turn on Airplane Mode and leave it on for a few minutes.

It worked on my iPad and it is now behaving normally again.
I was FINALLY able to update ALL of the apps going the usual route- from the update tab. I didn't need to put the iPad into airplane mode or do any resets, etc. Apparently Apple has fixed the problem.
I'm wondering how happy a camel is on a Wednesday and why Wednesday? ;)

Maybe this'll help, leelai? Stoopid commercial time...


P.S. And yeah, having the Updates working properly makes me this happy, too! :)
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