As a long time user of Apple products, I have to wonder why people come on here just to bash iPads and Apple? Fanboy being bounced around as an insult, or put down. I admire what Apple has done under Steve Jobs oversight, but I would never consider him as anything more than a highly skilled technology designer and salesman. I will say that both myself and my BIL talked about how we should buy up a lot of Apple stock when Jobs retook the helm in the 90s and the stock was at rock bottom. We just could not bring ourselves to borrow that much cash to invest with at the time. Our big regret.
I hate Microsoft's software, but it was Gates who bailed out Apple, even if it was to get rid of federal investigations in their monopoly of the market. And some of the hardware products they make, are better for my usage than the Mac versions. It seems that any company that is doing much better than its competition, is some evil monster.
The Flash thread that was deleted got nasty because there were those who could not excuse anyone who understood why Apple did not want to sell a product with Flash capability. The reality is that dispite years of trying, it was only when Apple brought out the iPad that a tablet computer was successful. Yet, there are too many people yelling, "Just wait until XXXXX comes out with their version. It has not happened, and it will years before decet competition happens. Just like the iPhone has dominated the market. And when people claim that Apple is not out to be the number one seller of any product, they do not understand. Look at the cell phone market. Apple was late to the game, but they brought out a product that totally stood the industr on end. As many iPhones as they have sold, they only hold about 4-5% of the market share. The other manufacturers sell a lot more phones. But because the iPhone is so much ahead of its competitors, that 5% of product share equates to 39% of the profit share Or put it this way, for every iPhone they make $20 profit while the major manufacturers like Nokia, LG, Motorola, etc only makes $.08. And the same way with the iPad, iPods, etc. They make enough of their products to sell at the sticker value, while the other manufacturers are cutting prices to a minimum.
I think that many people here should get a grip on life and not worry about what they think Apple should make. Apple will make what they think will sell. If they don't sell, they are the ones that has to live with it. Even if the majority of people do not buy Apple products, it is going to improve the offerings of every competing product.
I hate Microsoft's software, but it was Gates who bailed out Apple, even if it was to get rid of federal investigations in their monopoly of the market. And some of the hardware products they make, are better for my usage than the Mac versions. It seems that any company that is doing much better than its competition, is some evil monster.
The Flash thread that was deleted got nasty because there were those who could not excuse anyone who understood why Apple did not want to sell a product with Flash capability. The reality is that dispite years of trying, it was only when Apple brought out the iPad that a tablet computer was successful. Yet, there are too many people yelling, "Just wait until XXXXX comes out with their version. It has not happened, and it will years before decet competition happens. Just like the iPhone has dominated the market. And when people claim that Apple is not out to be the number one seller of any product, they do not understand. Look at the cell phone market. Apple was late to the game, but they brought out a product that totally stood the industr on end. As many iPhones as they have sold, they only hold about 4-5% of the market share. The other manufacturers sell a lot more phones. But because the iPhone is so much ahead of its competitors, that 5% of product share equates to 39% of the profit share Or put it this way, for every iPhone they make $20 profit while the major manufacturers like Nokia, LG, Motorola, etc only makes $.08. And the same way with the iPad, iPods, etc. They make enough of their products to sell at the sticker value, while the other manufacturers are cutting prices to a minimum.
I think that many people here should get a grip on life and not worry about what they think Apple should make. Apple will make what they think will sell. If they don't sell, they are the ones that has to live with it. Even if the majority of people do not buy Apple products, it is going to improve the offerings of every competing product.