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apple id


iPF Noob
Apr 27, 2018
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I changed my apple id with new email and password which is working just fine. my problem is I keep getting a pop up to log into my old acct. with my old email adress that I no longer have.I cannot log in via the old adress as I no longer have that email acct. or know the old password.
Ihave reset my password on new account several times to try and get rid of the old to no avail. How do I fix this annoying pop up?
Welcome to iPad Forums!

Did you login to your old Apple ID, and change it to the new one, or did you create a new one, and the old one still exists?
If it‘s the latter, and you‘ve purchased apps with that old ID, you get these popups when those apps need an update.

Contact Apple to get help with this problem:
Contact Apple for help with Apple ID account security
A good suggestion for an Apple ID email address is to make sure it's not connected to your ISP, employment, cable provider, etc..That way you'll not have to change it if things change.

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