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Apple is gonna swap mine but.......

I never bother with JB on my iPad2 since there’s no real need for it previously.
Lately however, my 2.5 year-old took control of my iPad2 95% of the time. He likes to draw on it, read books and play games etc. The problem is, I have some games that are pretty bloody (even the intro) and, I don’t want him to accidently see it.
With JB, I should be able to hide the icons for the games/things that I don’t want him see. Ipad2 JB is, obviously, not out yet. If the iPad2 JB is not out in 2 weeks, I may get him a Wifi only one just as a workaround.
Sorry Jim, I posted a solution to your problem there and did not spot that you did have it resolved. I deleted the response.

Head on over to the hacking section to learn all about jailbreaking. We have lots of good stickies and other content which help you understand, however start here:


and then read this


However, please note, the iPad2 cannot be jailbroken yet. It is expected to be supported soon though, so worth reading up on it so you can take an informed decision later.
Thanks so much. Tho my iPad was NOT set to mute, the speaker did not work, nor did the volume control, tho ear buds DID work. Apple WAS able to work me thru fixing it. But, in my opinion, things like that should NOT happen.

Now I am off to your links to learn about jail breaking!

Jim in Chicago

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