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Apple is now a complete joke!

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iPF Noob
I wanted to try to explain, but I can't.
all I can say is I now call my iPad with ios8 a mini Internet explorer!

almost everything I do now has advertisements all over, pop ups, redirects to App Store, and every app that I update does the same thing, plays a app commercial and then it won't respond until I tap the add and then get redirected to the App Store.

I am starting to find also that my touch screen is becoming very unresponsive. I find the choppyness of ios 8 unexceptible.

I am/was all about Apple, but if this is they Apple is going I would just rather go back to my pc and maybe a windows tablet. (if I could only transfer all my purchases is the only reason why I havnt jumped ship)

and before anyone try's to banter me, I have had iPad 1, 2, currantley 4, I have had iPhones 4,5,5s. I have Apple TV. my wife kids mom dad all have apple products because the liked the non pc Microsoft aspect.

having talked to my fam. and customers in my shop I'm finding more and more people who feel like they are being held hostage by Apple , and feel lied to.

I guess maybe when I started with Apple products it was kind of a freedom, now I feel that Apple has learned from all other major company's to force the customer to have to accept it.
example 2

after posting a response in any online forum and you try to scroll the page up to go back without reposting, Safari reloads and starts at the bottom of the page, and if you scroll to the top same thing.

if you try to tap on your password login say like on Amazon the page will redirect to change or forgot your password page. almost seems like a web browser key board timing issue.
wow just updated my YouTube app, lol, now I have to wait to watch a vid, the I get a add, then won't go any further, unless I tap the add and oh boy a redirect to the App Store.

ok ok I know Apple isn't responsible for the YouTube apps actions. and maybe YT got something wrong on their updat.

question, doesn't apple have a standerd for app makers?

and if YT can do this kind of advertising with their updates then Apple approved it!?
Thanks for posting. However please refrain from making multiple posts like you have done as it gets confusing. Which device is having issues the ipad 4?
The stubborn curser still is not fixed. One of the mods has the problem also. It's on this forum only. I made a post and asked if anyone is working on it. The post apparently got deleted. It's so annoying that I only check in about once a week to see if it got fixed. Nope.
I understand trust me ok. First it is 2:30 am sun here I will address your issue in 6 hours. Please answer the following.
Have you done a complete restore using iTunes on your computer
How many apps have yu installed
What version ios are you running. Thanks colin
The stubborn curser still is not fixed. One of the mods has the problem also. It's on this forum only. I made a post and asked if anyone is working on it. The post apparently got deleted. It's so annoying that I only check in about once a week to see if it got fixed. Nope.

I have no idea why your post was deleted however it maybe our new forum software that is the problem. Our tech staff are looking into it.
I understand trust me ok. First it is 2:30 am sun here I will address your issue in 6 hours. Please answer the following.
Have you done a complete restore using iTunes on your computer
How many apps have yu installed
What version ios are you running. Thanks colin
complete restore I have not done.
newest 8.02 on both my iPad 4 and 5s phone.
prob. around 75 apps.

how would a complete restore get rid of the advertising?
the YouTube app is worse then youtube on my pc.

almost every app I have now paid or free has annoying adds.

now on to the touch screen, sometimes it becomes so unresponsive sometimes it makes me wonder what/why Apple is doing this.

like I have said before these i devices are becoming more and more like windows XP on a pc, if Apple wants to make my ipad mor like a windows pc then I should have more hardware options.

also can you tell me excactley what a complete restore does? and will it restore my devices they way they currantley are or will I have to reload all apps and redo they why I have my apps organized now?

Guys, all I can say is that you will find an answer here. It just takes time with the time differences. Hopefully, you will have an answer soon.

lol thanks.

hey all accept it that's what you have to do!

question? are the software updates tested? look around the web.even use google, works better on my pc.

what the h is Apple trying to do? seems to me like they want to push product not perfect it like they use to do.

open market now, as a long time Apple guy can I ask how I can switch my purchases to the other team?

am I in the 80's. whare is my 5" disk.

come on Apple step it up
lol thanks.

hey all accept it that's what you have to do!

question? are the software updates tested? look around the web.even use google, works better on my pc.

what the h is Apple trying to do? seems to me like they want to push product not perfect it like they use to do.

open market now, as a long time Apple guy can I ask how I can switch my purchases to the other team?

am I in the 80's. whare is my 5" disk.

come on Apple step it up
In regards to switching your purchases to another cell phone system, it can't be done. If the same apps and games are available for the other system you'll have to buy them again. This works both ways. You can't transfer another company's apps and games to iOS devices.
I apologise for late posting, my partner had major surgery 3 weeks ago and my time has been limited here as I am taking care of her 7/24. As I pointed out I am 18 hours ahead of west coast USA which affects response times.

Ok. I will cover why itunes and procedure.
There are 2 ways to upgrade
1) via iTunes- Backs up device Downloads Ios 8 (current version) FORMATS device then installs new iOS , one completed you can either start all over again or since from last backup. Only requires approx 1gb space. This is more reliable for major upgrades like ios8.
please read::::: 1) The latest version of iTunes is required on your PC or Mac
2) you must have more than the used storage on your device available on your PC or Mac BEFORE you commence the backup. If your device is 64 gb the allow at least 70gb available. Keep in mind if you have multiple devices you should add the total used storage together.
Windows OS can cause dramas Windows 7 and 8 are preferred however you may need to disable the virus protection software in order to proceed.
3). Internet speed plays an important part in this process so if you have good wifi or fast internet via Ethernet on your PC or Mac then usually no issues.
If in fact you use a portable USB Internet stick I really DONOT recommend proceeding as it will take a long time to update.

Issues to be aware of
Unable to authenticate device. This usually is caused by poor internet and or Apple servers are busy due to every one doing itbatbthe same time.
2) OTA. (Over the air). Updates existing iOS but may require 5gbs space for major upgrades like ios 7 to ios8

In principal and in most cases OTA will be fine however this will vary between users. If a user has minimum Apps and adequate room on his/her device then no worries. As i have 250 Apps plus music and movies I always use ITUNES to back up then upgrade to new OS then finally Sync every thing back.

With a full restore you should not loose anything however if your device is still misbehaving you should then look at what apps you have installed. One must keep in mind that many of your apps will go through upgrades and one must be patient as it can take a week or in some case a month before that are all upgraded. I have Over 120 upgraded so far many just to support the iPhone 6 plus. Again servers can slow you down if busy. Think about being on a freeway one minute and all is good then you have a million cars suddenly come on to the freeway. It can slow things down. Apart from every man and his dog updating to iOS 8 one must also realized another 20 million new users are also downloading stuff and in many cases transferring data from one device to another.

Safari. Yes there are known problems most of which should be resolved in next update.

Advertising. This is the way of life if a developer adds advertising to their apps they may offer for you to pay to remove them. If not look for an alternative app
This again is not Apples issue it is the developers that offer advertising

I believe I have covered all you need to know. One more thing. There is an excellent new App. "UPDATE GUIDE FOR IO S 8". Download it for free. Also download the users manual in ibooks for iOS 8.
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