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AppleTV jailbreak?

Kenilik said:
Ok went and bought atv2 tonight. I'm having real trouble with jbing it. Getting error 21 or 600x! Tuts are not fantastic for newbie like me... :(

I had this issue on my home laptop when trying to jailbreak my ATV2.. I had to end up taking it to work and jailbreaking it on my work pc..

Sent from Jailbroken my iPad Deux (32gb WiFi iOS4.3.3).. d(-_-)b

Wonderful. I am getting the ATV2 ~ but why would I want to JB it?:o
Kenilik said:
Ok went and bought atv2 tonight. I'm having real trouble with jbing it. Getting error 21 or 600x! Tuts are not fantastic for newbie like me... :(

I had this issue on my home laptop when trying to jailbreak my ATV2.. I had to end up taking it to work and jailbreaking it on my work pc..

Sent from Jailbroken my iPad Deux (32gb WiFi iOS4.3.3).. d(-_-)b

Wonderful. I am getting the ATV2 ~ but why would I want to JB it?:o

The same reason you would JB your iPad, it will give you so much more......by the way, I have a good reason for you.......how much money have you got to give me ;)
Silent Assassin said:
There are converters that will work for your problem..

Here's one that I've read about others having success with.. It's available via Amazon..

Video Link: http://www.amazon.com/HDMI-RCA-Component-AV-Converter/dp/B002WBOQPU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1295942245&sr=8-1

Sent from Jailbroken my iPad Deux (32gb WiFi iOS4.3.3).. d(-_-)b

Thank you so much!!! I was hoping there was something like this but wasn't sure what to look for! I only paid 45 bucks for a brand new apple TV so I couldnt pass it up!

I have a good reason for you.......how much money have you got to give me ;)

Touche'. Brat.:)

As with all Jailbreaks it's a case of plugging it in and checking what iOS it is running, don't update it till you've googled it, mine was 4.2.1 so I used Greenpoison, it was incredibly easy to do, it was just a case of plugging cables in the right sockets and pressing buttons at the right time. A full what to do list came with the download I placed on my laptop.
When you by the AppleTV find out it's iOS and let us know, you will have more help than you need, because from what I've found, that's what this site is all about!!
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D_LA_ROC said:
Thank you so much!!! I was hoping there was something like this but wasn't sure what to look for! I only paid 45 bucks for a brand new apple TV so I couldnt pass it up!


Not a problem! Here's a review from amazon on the converter specifically related to what you wanted to see.. Another guy used it for his ATV2...

Hey guys,

I can confirm this device works with the new Apple TV. The HDMI video is being converted into HD analog Composite (YPbPr [blue, red, green]) @720p. Audio is also correctly being converted from hdmi, to RCA ([red/white] audio).

Although it's not advertised... this device is stripping HDCP and will allow you to output encrypted video rentals to your analog device. I'm incredibly happy with this device, aside from one complaint. On the left hand side, about 20 pixels are being lost. (For reference [...], the cut happens on the left side and you loose anything left of the P in 'Top Movie Rentals'). That being said, this is the cheapest hdcp stripper/digital to analog convertor on the market, and is well worth it. You barely notice the lost pixels, and if you own an analog TV you want to keep doing so you'll be needing a device like this soon.

Sidenote: To use an AppleTV on an older (analog) TV you'll NEED a device like this. Don't bother with HDMI to Composite cables... THEY WONT WORK. The signal needs to be converted, and your average converter costs 150 up... this box is an exception to that price point.

Hope this helps, let me know if you guys have any other questions


Sent from Jailbroken my iPad Deux (32gb WiFi iOS4.3.3).. d(-_-)b
Although I bought apple tv 2 at launch, I jailbroke 2 days ago, I was too lazy and didn't find the time(maybe the micro USB cable was to blame), but I did, and enjoying this YO.
And although I downloaded xbmc on everything I own(for the past year or 2), I have never used it, didn't see the need until now.
Someone did give detail in another thread, I will take a look for it.

Can anyone share their experience too on how to use and why/what you use it for.
I use a MacBook Air(laptop), and I do have an external hard drive connected to my apple extreme(it's a wireless router).

i did see this before posting...http://www.idownloadblog.com/2011/08/23/live-espn3-amazon-vod-jailbroken-apple-tv-2/
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