DW and I were both Win XP users - a desktop for me, a netbook for her. Our grandchildren bought DW an iPad. Within a week she had given her net-book an unintended shower with a glass of Pinot Grigio and is now determined to master the iPad. I'm not much help, as I have absolutely no experience with Apple products I've been using MS stuff since Windows 3.0. Prior experience (while Bill Gates was still in grade school), included ALGOL for engineering analysis, FORTRAN for simulation work, and both Singer-Link GP4 and Honeywell DDP assembly languages (also in flight simulators). Apple software is a different game altogether and I'm not sure I want to start over. My plan is to move to Win 7 in the near future for my computing needs. I certainly don't want Win 8. Maybe the genii in Redmond will finally have a decent product with Win 12! I personally don't like touch screens - my eyesight isn't compatible with having the "keys" the same distance away as the screen. I also don't like having to clean all the fingermarks off the glass! DW may have to find another mentor - probably our grandchildren, who all have Macs.