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document transfer

Hi i'm having trouble transfering documents from my pc to ipad 2
Any ideas would be appreciated:)
I'm bumping this thread every day until the end of time

Just sayin' ...

Please Read!


Welcome! We are glad to have you as part of this forum! Here are a few tips to get you started!

Ipadforums.net is committed to helping you maximize your enjoyment of your iPad. The best way to get a good answer is to ask a good question!

1) Download a copy of the iPad User Guide. It is available for free in several different formats.

a) As a free PDF download from the Apple website --
Apple - Support - Manuals

This can (and should!) be saved on your computer and your iPad.

b) As a free iBook once you download the free iBook app from the iTunes App Store.

c) Online using the link provided in the Safari favorites on your iPad.

The answers to many questions, especially if this is your first Apple mobile "iDevice", can be answered by spending some quality time with this handy document.

2) Be descriptive in the topic title. A title such as HELP!!! is not very, well, helpful! If you do post or create a thread please be complete.. :example

Q: Why is my ipad crashing??

Correct Q: My iPad is jailbroken and when i open facebook it crashes.

3) In the body of your post, be sure to include whether your iPad is "stock" or jailbroken. This forum fully supports your right to jailbreak your iPad and there is no reason to keep it a secret. It may be the source of your issues and we won't know that unless you tell us.

4) Search Search Search!!! I cannot stress this enough! There are many threads on this forum don't start a new thread just because your too lazy to search....(they will be removed without notice)

5) Installous isn't a topic that can be discussed here on the ipadforums.

It is important that one understands this is a private forum so we ask that you read our rules:

Forum rules - everybody please read!!

Finally if you are new to Apple and itunes it is recommended to read this thread as it provides many answers to basic questions regarding itunes.

The iPad - For Absolute Beginners

Thank you for reading this thread.

Col.bris Super Moderator
Last edited by col.bris; 10-13-2010 at 05:01 PM.
New Member

Own the following Apple poducts:
IPHONE 3G+Wifi 16G
IPAD 3G+Wifi 32G

IPAD is taking 12-16 hrs to update software.:ipad-front:

Holler back soon.
Brand new here, I've had an iPad (1) ever since the 2 came out. I am a long time iPod touch user -- couldn't work, run the house, or escape to Mars without it. I also am an app hoarder, and it takes me forever to sync, as all the apps must be rearranged and made to fit. I am in dread of syncing the iPad now that I have loaded it with several pricy apps, video podcasts, college lectures for which there was never enough room on the pod. Can apps be separated into libraries? I've never tried this at all before. Thanks!
I'm not really this hansome!

Hi everyone. I have just ordered my iPad2 (32GB WiFi+3G) with a docking unit. Due for delivery tomorrow.
Have tried the Zoom but found that the touch screen failed so I sent it back.
Hoping that the iPad2 is more reliable.
Plannning to use my iPad2 for marine chartwork/navigation. Anyone recommend a good App for UK waters?:)
Thanks! Yes I am aware but am hopeful that this will be remedied with OS 5 perhaps.
My iPad has arrived and I am getting to gtrips with it. First impressions very good.:D
HELP! I wanna do the right thing but I'm having trouble figuring out how to introduce myself. Am i suppose to simply reply (which is what i think i am doing now) or post or ..... I hope I am doing this correctly. Anyway, if you haven't figured it out yet, I'm new and clearly need to be here to learn a thing or two :).
Ftrbound said:
HELP! I wanna do the right thing but I'm having trouble figuring out how to introduce myself. Am i suppose to simply reply (which is what i think i am doing now) or post or ..... I hope I am doing this correctly. Anyway, if you haven't figured it out yet, I'm new and clearly need to be here to learn a thing or two :).

Well you have definitely introduced yourself......in a new and highly unique way, I'm impressed!

The Archangel
Hi, I'm new, I'm Don, I have had an iPad for almost a year now ... And I finally decided that since I have used this site/app many times as a guest, I might as well join. I use my stock iPad (1) for just about everything, it seems (evernote, dropbox, penultimate, seem to be what I use most often, but I'm anxious to explore note taking and calendar programs).

Thing is, this week I had to start over with another (new!?) one when my battery and processor lagged and the genius bar folks couldn't resolve the issues (thanks AppleCare!). So, I'm annoyed that I am starting from scratch, but excited because now I know enough to at least know what I want to know to find other ways of getting the most out of my iPad, without wasting as much time and getting bogged down with junk apps.

I am amid the process of settling on one book-reader, which is turning out to be much more involved than I had anticipated. I'll be jumping into a forum to pose some questions about that. Thanks in advance for the help in all things iPad.

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