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Attach files to email

You can attach multiple pictures to an email from within the Photo app - up to five on one email. But you must originate the email from within the Photo app, you can't add the photos from within Mail.

To add more than this - or other attachments - most Members recommend GoodReader - the iPad's 'Swiss Army Knife', which allows you to add unlimited attachments to an email. However, any files you want to add must already be in the GoodReader file space because, on the iPad, all files are held locally and one app doesn't have access to another app's files. So you'll need to move any files that you want to send with an email to GoodReader and then originate the email from within GoodReader. GoodReader will attach the files that you specify to a blank email and transfer you to the iPad's native Mail app.

If you want to attach files in a reply to an email, that's more difficult - there is a workaround but it's ugly...


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