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Available space problem

longrob said:
Sorry if I sound stupid, but I don't know what "pull each one up in the app store" means. Is that something I do on the PC or on the ipad ? I don't know what the app store is. And what exactly do I do ? Can you give me an example ? I did delete about 20 apps yesterday, so I don't understand why the space that those ones (and the 100+ photos I deleted) previously occupied is not showing as "available". My wife doesn't understand why, if space was an issue, having deleted 100+ pictures, she can't immediatey use it to take 100 more ? Can you provide some insight ?

I can't answer why picture space isn't eliminating the problem for the short term. My guess is the iPad has been struggling to allocate space for a long period of time before it ran out and apps or the OS immediately consumed the little space deleting pics freed up.

You have a TON of apps for such a small iPad. Let's get a few off and take it from there.

Generally simulation games (driving, racing, flying), RPG (role playing games), and FPS(First person shooter) games are huge. If you have the games Rage or Dead Space whack them immediately and you will have tons of space.

The app store is what was accessed when all these apps were purchased and installed. Whoever put all these apps on the iPad certainly knows what the app store is. Just search the store for ones you have installed and the product page displays with the storage info.
How do you "delete" an app?

Long press an icon on your desktop until it wobbles and displays a plus sign then release.

Then tap the plus sign on all apps you want to delete.

Right, although I would say it is more of a X than a plus - an x in a circle to the top-left of each icon. I tap on that to delete it.
longrob said:
Right, although I would say it is more of a X than a plus - an x in a circle to the top-left of each icon. I tap on that to delete it.


Many apps are only a few MB. You have to locate a couple heavy hitters and whack them.

And you have to reel in that download crazy wife of yours and tell her she's killing ya lol,
I can't answer why picture space isn't eliminating the problem for the short term. My guess is the iPad has been struggling to allocate space for a long period of time before it ran out and apps or the OS immediately consumed the little space deleting pics freed up.

You have a TON of apps for such a small iPad. Let's get a few off and take it from there.

Generally simulation games (driving, racing, flying), RPG (role playing games), and FPS(First person shooter) games are huge. If you have the games Rage or Dead Space whack them immediately and you will have tons of space.

The app store is what was accessed when all these apps were purchased and installed. Whoever put all these apps on the iPad certainly knows what the app store is. Just search the store for ones you have installed and the product page displays with the storage info.

That makes sense. This ipad was set up by my wife's friend's 12 year-old son who stays up till 4AM every day playing video games [and I'm not exagerating]

So I've gone and deleted all the obvious driving / racing / shooting games and lo-and-behold, that freed up 2.2GB. Now my wife can take pics again and she's as happy as a clam - which makes me as happy as a clam too. Thank you very much for taking the time to help me !

Just one more thing before I go - should I delete some more and upgrade to the new OS ? Are there any disadvantages ?
Take a day to breathe. Post back and we will upgrade you to 5.1 which should be done and does give added functionality.

And take that twelve year old by the ear and tell him he hoses your iPad again he will have his thumbs chopped off ! Lol

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