teheuti said:I love Notability because I prefer typing to handwriting and the ability to indent for outlines, but I can still use a drawing or diagram on occasion. And rhe recording with text markers is just what I wanted. However, it's not quite perfect.
It still needs:
1) a camera function so you don't have to leave the app to take a picture of a whiteboard or display.
2) to be able to rotate a picture.
3) better image placement optiions as I can't place pictures side-by-side even if there is plenty of width available.
Thanks for a great program - I just recommended it on my blog for consultants who want to provide their clients with notes and a recording following a meeting.
I agree with 3 but not 1. I normally make images and save them to the camera roll with abandon as a means of swapping data around so a moment of instant task switching doesn't bother me so 1 isn't too important. You can continue recording audio in Notability while you are banging away in another app.
I agree with 2 but there is a work around. Locate the image in the saved roll, rotate the iPad, use your fingers to spread and crop the image then take a quick screenshots holding power and tapping Home. Insert the new image in Notability. Who said you needed cropping or rotating software?
A work around for 2 and 3. There is no law that you can not switch to Pages while recording audio in Notability and then use Apple Pages superior note taking and image media controls like mask. When finished make Pages full screen to hide tool bars etc., make screen shot of the whole shebang and drop that into your Notability masterpiece spreading the image to take-up a full page.
Think a little outside the box of old PC computer rules of one app for everything. BTW you can insert many PICTURES in Pages with a simple copy and paste from Safari and other apps. Hold you finger for several seconds or try double tapping your image to bring up a copy command. Both work at times.
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