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Big Business - game discussion

Well done.

Player. Una1. City. Sunnycity. Level 49 need flowerbeds and fountains for ingrate achievement.

Thank you:)

City name: Cityblues, Player name: blue100, Level:60, Needs: free gifts
i started playing this last night.

think my friend name is Feebs83

Welcome! :) I have added you.

City name: Cityblues, Player name: blue100, Level:60, Needs: free gifts
Congrats to all our super-achievers, good job everyone.

How's hydro plant going? Any progress yet?

{Summerville; the head honcho - Elloriana, lvl 58; Charleston, SC}
I've got that bloomin' -3/8 problem with silver medals that someone else had on here. Customer services are looking into it. Not had a bad experience with them so far, so crossed fingers they get it sorted soon. Got until Monday to get my final 2 silver medals for the bridge.

I had that issue. I would have finished bridge in time so I just continued completed bridge. It took GI a while but they did give me my safe items although I did have to get 13 silvers to finish the bridge.

(city:mikeyville lvl63 id:makoadef anchorage,ak USA)
It looks like the gold mine and gem mines are available again for those wanting to produce gold bars and get the fever achievement. I got them on a deal for like $20 for the four of them and they take a long time to produce but a great one to set overnight and they use dump trucks. They use a lot of electric though it seems.

City: Geldville player level 50 Player name: Germanmajor and I am from rural Maine. Tools are always appreciated for upgrading buildings.
Do we need the mine and processing plant to get the gold for the achievement? I think I have enough credits to get those 2 but not for all that was offered. I don't want to get the wrong ones.

Congrats to all who have finished and gotten achievements!
Do we need the mine and processing plant to get the gold for the achievement? I think I have enough credits to get those 2 but not for all that was offered. I don't want to get the wrong ones.

Congrats to all who have finished and gotten achievements!

You have to have the mine and processing plant and that's it. You also will have to spend coins on armored trucks. You just have to be able make gold bars for the achievement.

City: Geldville player level 50 Player name: Germanmajor and I am from rural Maine. Tools are always appreciated for upgrading buildings.
You have to have the mine and processing plant and that's it. You also will have to spend coins on armored trucks. You just have to be able make gold bars for the achievement.

City: Geldville player level 50 Player name: Germanmajor and I am from rural Maine. Tools are always appreciated for upgrading buildings.

Thanks...I hope I have enough to get the 2 plants..
I actually asked them yesterday about this Promo and here is their reply

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=42172"/>

{Summerville; the head honcho - Elloriana, lvl 58; Charleston, SC}

A similar response to the one I also got.... I quote:

"Some special events are provided to the random players.i regret but this event can't be now provided to you due to the game mechanics restrictions. You surely should have the chance to get the similar special event in the future.

Andrew Su,
Your Support Team

Lets face it we all know it is not random, that is a lie. Only people who have never previously paid for credits are getting the offer. Hate being lied to.

Name: Rikmondo City name: Rikville Level. 50. Needs: Drills, please.
A similar response to the one I also got.... I quote:

"Some special events are provided to the random players.i regret but this event can't be now provided to you due to the game mechanics restrictions. You surely should have the chance to get the similar special event in the future.

Andrew Su,
Your Support Team

Lets face it we all know it is not random, that is a lie. Only people who have never previously paid for credits are getting the offer. Hate being lied to.

Name: Rikmondo City name: Rikville Level. 50. Needs: Drills, please.

Yup they are stupid. They should offer to everyone cause guess what the people that spend money to play will spend extra on these special offers that they normally wouldn't have spent.

(city:mikeyville lvl63 id:makoadef anchorage,ak USA)
Yup they are stupid. They should offer to everyone cause guess what the people that spend money to play will spend extra on these special offers that they normally wouldn't have spent.

(city:mikeyville lvl63 id:makoadef anchorage,ak USA)

I agree..makes one rethink about spending money with them...and to add insult to injury there was no double bonus today with the bank. :mad: Which I could have used to buy all the new plants...but will just stick with the 2 I need for the gold fever achievement.
screenshot1.webpI finished the port!
After i pressed the button: "Load to ship" i get this error.
Does anyone know this problem????
GI is not really in a position to help. (Sent this screenshot to them) but the support wants a crash report! But there is none.
:thumbsdown: I just get this error message. :mad:

ClaireGruu - Charlstown
I think the rationale for "automatically sent" (just how dumb and ignorant do they think we are?) handouts was to entice the players who, in GI opinion, might otherwise quit BB, to stay and perhaps acquire a taste for "luxury" and keep buying fake money to feed their addiction. Note that immediately after that promo they put on sale a large number of expensive buildings. 150 creds is not nearly enough to buy everything so they hope these players would buy "a little bit more" credits to purchase, say, Metal mine and Processing plant.

They probably figured out that the existing addicts will continue spending money anyway so there is no reason to target them specifically. But that is not all. There is another reason for not offering us that incredible deal.
They are well-aware that many of us planned to buy these premium facilities for the achievement. So, they first offered the Climbing wall to drain our savings before offering the plants we were waiting for. Now lots of payers will have to buy credits at the regular price. And no, the suitcases don't sweeten the deal.

{Summerville; the head honcho - Elloriana, lvl 58; Charleston, SC}
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