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Big Business - game discussion

Welcome back Lynn, did you go somewhere or did you mean away from the game

[ city name: Sprawlville level 58 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
I meant away from the forum......lol. Hard to catch back up with so many pages to read when I visit each time.
Nigel, I delivered 2 alum rolls bud

[ city name: Sprawlville level 58 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
You buy them in the shop

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=42702"/>

{Summerville, the head honcho - Elloriana, lvl 59. Charleston, SC}

Duh!!! I looked and looked and I didn't see it until you pointed it out. Thanks a bunch :)

city name: normal town. name: nickeli
updated the Advanced Production Charts. All the has is now updated. Raw Materials and Finished Products.

Top 11 Finished Products:

ProductBuildingProfit / Hour
(includes all costs
and build times)
Coconut FlakesMilling$4,014
Cottage CheeseDairy$3,588
TortillasSombrero Restaurant$2,570
Apple PieBakery$2,411
WafflesSweet Waffle Café$2,209
CakeFood Plant$2,177

Just cause some are curious how things stack up...

Top 10 Raw Materials:

ProductBuildingMinutesProfit / Hour
PolyethylenePaper Mill2$4,650
CoalMetal Mine10$3,600
Wood PlanksSawmill5$2,940
Diamond ChipGem Mine15$2,760
FoamChemical Plant15$2,240

You can make more money, but i don't think it would be an interesting game to play if you went just for only the most profitable items.

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I got caught up finishing the business cards and burned a cool million with the $10 city credit offer. Burned some more money buying a third sawmill so I have some chance of getting my silver medals. I really want to be done with the bridge this weekend. Currently producing 3 scaffolds per hour and 16 cottage cheese per hour to get my coins back up to where I can do my massive upgrade and finish the bridge.

As for my wife, she is closing in on level 11 quickly. Can't stop her, she's hooked. I will get her to slow roll it.

Ha ha - the BB bug is indeed contagious!

My second chemical plant is spitting out foam now, the first is on dye, and then on to acid and thickener. Need to catch up, as I emptied my warehouse to afford upgrades. I got a thickener in there though, so I can handle a ship which requires thickener. Want to upgrade the chem plant to level 2, so it can do dye - then my cosmetics can work round the clock, while I make acid for the radio components and thickeners. Then I can handle my ships requirements. I will then request friends help, giving them a chance to do some things - will save me time and make a higher turnaround on ships - giving me more credits. Actually got like 7 silver anchors and 22 bronze ones - but not a single gold anchor!

Soon, I will have made 500 of the required 1.000 energy for the bridge. I can pay the 10 engineers, I got the solvents, the welders and the hammers, so straight to the 8 business cards and 3 compasses.
You mean when Gi decide to let it happen

player name Amanda35 from Dorset UK. BB CITY-Squillion Square

That is an interesting statement. Remember that elusive home sweet home achievement. Only could build 5 houses until GI decided to update and allow us to build the 6th house. I went as far as demolishing the houses I spent city credits on to figure that stupid achievement out. So not this time. Will wait patiently for those none existent rulers. I recall in one of the letters from GI stating things will get fixed in one of the updates not the next one so they are probably holding out on us.

city:mikeyville lvl.63 Id:makoadef. Anchorage, Alaska USA
That is an interesting statement. Remember that elusive home sweet home achievement. Only could build 5 houses until GI decided to update and allow us to build the 6th house. I went as far as demolishing the houses I spent city credits on to figure that stupid achievement out. So not this time. Will wait patiently for those none existent rulers. I recall in one of the letters from GI stating things will get fixed in one of the updates not the next one so they are probably holding out on us.

city:mikeyville lvl.63 Id:makoadef. Anchorage, Alaska USA

Hm - then I will wait with the Hydro untill I hear people start getting rulers....
Hm - then I will wait with the Hydro untill I hear people start getting rulers....

On the bright side, I received 5 city credits for sharing my bridge status on twitter. Easy money for a change. Keep your eyes peeled!

player name Amanda35 from Dorset UK. BB CITY-Squillion Square
Ha ha - the BB bug is indeed contagious!

My second chemical plant is spitting out foam now, the first is on dye, and then on to acid and thickener. Need to catch up, as I emptied my warehouse to afford upgrades. I got a thickener in there though, so I can handle a ship which requires thickener. Want to upgrade the chem plant to level 2, so it can do dye - then my cosmetics can work round the clock, while I make acid for the radio components and thickeners. Then I can handle my ships requirements. I will then request friends help, giving them a chance to do some things - will save me time and make a higher turnaround on ships - giving me more credits. Actually got like 7 silver anchors and 22 bronze ones - but not a single gold anchor!

Soon, I will have made 500 of the required 1.000 energy for the bridge. I can pay the 10 engineers, I got the solvents, the welders and the hammers, so straight to the 8 business cards and 3 compasses.

I placed 11th with 57 scaffolds. Working on condensed milk, can make 5 every 2 hours for 20 hours should give me 50. That should get me my last silver medlars for the bridge to be done. Can fill my ship today with no help required including the VIP container. I will upgrade to thickener and lipstick tomorrow after I get one more daily contest in so I can buy the hammer. Whatever money I have I will spend on as many upgrades I can. So far only $2m. I should get another $1 m for today and .5m tomorrow. That should get me the lipstick, thickener, and something else, maybe the toy factory last upgrade. Good luck on finishing the bridge. Mrsjoel is still below level 11 barely.
Ok folks.. What am I doing wrong? I'm on commercial port step 3. I am waiting to get the steel detail before sending out my taxi. I've been trying for two days, but have yet to see my first steel detail drop from the donut cafes. Is this normal? In the mean time, I'm at 484/550 energy. Will the drops start after I accumulate the energy?
Ok folks.. What am I doing wrong? I'm on commercial port step 3. I am waiting to get the steel detail before sending out my taxi. I've been trying for two days, but have yet to see my first steel detail drop from the donut cafes. Is this normal? In the mean time, I'm at 484/550 energy. Will the drops start after I accumulate the energy?

How many donut cafes do you have?

Check your inventory to see if you got the steel bolt by accident already.

There is that horrible possibility they changed this after the app update.
How many donut cafes do you have?

Check your inventory to see if you got the steel bolt by accident already.

There is that horrible possibility they changed this after the app update.

Have 10 donut cafes. No steel bolt in inventory. I've moved my terminal out of sight so I don't accidentally send a taxi. So no movement in terminal since I started step 3

Could they have reversed the order and give steel detail after you have a steel bolt?
How many donut cafes do you have?

Check your inventory to see if you got the steel bolt by accident already.

There is that horrible possibility they changed this after the app update.

I suspect you are right, they would fix anything that is in our favor ASAP. Rulers, on the other hand...

{Summerville, the head honcho - Elloriana, lvl 59. Charleston, SC}
Have 10 donut cafes. No steel bolt in inventory. I've moved my terminal out of sight so I don't accidentally send a taxi. So no movement in terminal since I started step 3

Could they have reversed the order and give steel detail after you have a steel bolt?

You may have no choice but to try, before you fill up on all your energy. Steel details is a really painful step if you have to do it during Task 4, step 2

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