iPF Noob
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{Summerville, the head honcho - Elloriana, lvl 63, Charleston, SC}
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{Summerville, the head honcho - Elloriana, lvl 63, Charleston, SC}
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{Summerville, the head honcho - Elloriana, lvl 63, Charleston, SC}
Thanks! Sold 20 ingots for 420K+ after posting that screenshot and freed some room in my WH.
{Summerville, the head honcho - Elloriana, lvl 63, Charleston, SC}
Nice reward
[ city name: Sprawlville level 62 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
Are you staying out of trouble in San Diego?
What factory do you need for this achievement?
city name: normal town. name: nickeli
For those of you that haven't gotten it yet, there is a 3 day Super Event that requires Dried Fruit, Sour Cream, and Candy. Stash some of your factories away in storage if yo can before getting the event so you will have less items required. Unfortunately I didn't and now have some pretty big numbers so fill...but I think I can make it. Good luck to all who are still playing!!!
City: MegVille Player: MegFree1013 Level: 42 Need: Trowels From: Chicago, Illinois
What factory do you need for this achievement?
city name: normal town. name: nickeli
GI has soften up. This new event is not too extreme compared to others in quantities. Thank you
[ city name: Sprawlville level 62 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
I agree, I definitely think it is achievable. But tough on my farms. Having to make cocoa bean, berries, and farms need to be running nonstop.
City: MegVille Player: MegFree1013 Level: 42 Need: Trowels From: Chicago, Illinois
I have 6 farms 4 doing beans and the other two trading off berries and fruit. But yes slow going. My port will require ragu, acid and paper in about an hour. Luckily I started all that stuff in advance
[ city name: Sprawlville level 62 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]