iPF Noob
Meg, I think you´re right. I´m at level 55 and mine are 21, 14, 9!!!
Charlstown / ClaireGruu
Whoa Claire has the easy button
[ city name: Sprawlville level 62 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
Meg, I think you´re right. I´m at level 55 and mine are 21, 14, 9!!!
Charlstown / ClaireGruu
At the moment I have 4 quarries! Too bad 3 of them are inoperable! And the 4th is not reliable.
My numbers are 46, 13, and 27 and I only have 3 farms. Does not make sense to me. Level 42 just today.
Anyone have a line on the limestone contest? Wiki doesn't have that listed. I know I am starting late but I have like a 100 pumps so I thought I will make a few
[ city name: Sprawlville level 62 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
I think I'm stuck in a bad programming loop. GI has said they will fix in next update, but in the mean time I've been wasting $$ on demolishing quarries that don't work and if I upgrade I am at level 1 all over again. So not a good thing. I have 16 days left on Eiffel tower to get a chest of goodies and they have stopped communicating with me again. I'm very frustrated with this. Other than that, I enjoy the game.
Trumpster2, city: Podunk, level 42
Meg I think was like 66. And she is at level 42 or there abouts
[ city name: Sprawlville level 62 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
I havenever seen limestone in my 8 months of this game. I also had never seen acid. My numbers are 23,56, 7. It is a doable number, but far more challenging when coupled with the ship. I have veggie ragu, so that takes up a bunch of farms for 3 hours. Anyone doing the beams?
I have 21 so far with three sawmills running full time.
I have 16 with 2 running all the time. I have all of my WH's on level 8 and still have to sell stuff off all of the time to make room for the 10 items (like foam or sand) for the dock. I have been making money to move up in the ratings (just for fun) and am at 94 now. I was going for the top 200, then 150, then 100.... I need to stop soon and upgrade some stuff, but now we have the event... 38 hours and a $1,000,000 to upgrade my second chem plant to produce acid is a looong time to wait.
I had 8 dairy factories in storage when I opened the event. Also, only have 2 each of the mill and confectionary on active duty with 3 farms so my challenge is easy. I just want to know how I can get 2 of the buildings instead o only 1. Anyone out there know how to get the second building? The game allows 10 of them.
They would probably offer this event once a year so we have 10 years before we are all filled
[ city name: Sprawlville level 62 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
GI has soften up. This new event is not too extreme compared to others in quantities. Thank you
[ city name: Sprawlville level 62 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
For those of you that haven't gotten it yet, there is a 3 day Super Event that requires Dried Fruit, Sour Cream, and Candy. Stash some of your factories away in storage if yo can before getting the event so you will have less items required. Unfortunately I didn't and now have some pretty big numbers so fill...but I think I can make it. Good luck to all who are still playing!!!
City: MegVille Player: MegFree1013 Level: 42 Need: Trowels From: Chicago, Illinois