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Big Business - game discussion

I love it! You got an original response from her! We all get the "Game of Luck" response and are all, at least initially, mollified and then amazed to get the same response as others (and as we got before!) Perhaps you are not much of "a best businessmen" and "are not skill enough to improve the city affairs...." If so, I guess you'll just fulfill your destiny (you big crybaby!) Hahahaha!

Way to go Rik! I will be sending you something you need soon at your port to applaud your efforts in trying to talk to GI... I am still laughing. Good stuff!

So my response to Yana's mad email gets me the following, which looks to be written by someone else.....

"I understand your reaction to the difficulties you faced when playing our game and I would like to thank you for drawing our attention to this matter.

I transferred your comment to our developers for consideration and they will certainly take it into account. By sharing your opinion and experience, you are helping us recognize what we do well, and what we need to focus on improving. We do appreciate that you are playing our game and contribute to making the game better and enjoyable."

For me I am drawing a close to my discussions with GI on the active factory happiness levels. I will wait and see what happens.....although the emails certainly were entertaining.

Name: Rikmondo (no more spending) City name: Rikville Level. 55. Needs: Drills, please.
I am looking at the "ratings" and see "precision." How does one achieve points in this area?

I have wondered about this too. My best guess is that it has something to do with the times you press the x in the top right of an object, implying you selected an object by mistake...

Name: Rikmondo (no more spending) City name: Rikville Level. 55. Needs: Drills, please.
I am looking at the "ratings" and see "precision." How does one achieve points in this area?

Precision is how soon after completion you click on the item. You need to select it as soon as it finishes to get a point.

Big Business - city name "Tri City" - user name "nigel1234" location - Sydney, Australia
Precision is how soon after completion you click on the item. You need to select it as soon as it finishes to get a point.

Big Business - city name "Tri City" - user name "nigel1234" location - Sydney, Australia

If that is the case, I spend way too much time on the game making low end products like milk. I hav ranked as low as 8th on the list, currently at 12.
So my response to Yana's mad email gets me the following, which looks to be written by someone else.....

"I understand your reaction to the difficulties you faced when playing our game and I would like to thank you for drawing our attention to this matter.

I transferred your comment to our developers for consideration and they will certainly take it into account. By sharing your opinion and experience, you are helping us recognize what we do well, and what we need to focus on improving. We do appreciate that you are playing our game and contribute to making the game better and enjoyable."

For me I am drawing a close to my discussions with GI on the active factory happiness levels. I will wait and see what happens.....although the emails certainly were entertaining.

Name: Rikmondo (no more spending) City name: Rikville Level. 55. Needs: Drills, please.

Is this a new email for everyone? I have yet to see it. It is clearly no written by her. If it was the 1980's, I would say it is "Party line."

As far as precision, I play this game a lot, but will time things to finish about when I have a break at work, so I don't get to click on it "right" when it finishes, but a minute or two later. I only have 5,000 in precision, while 250th has 8,000. I will never be able to score on there. I have crawled up to 94th in the money, however.
Is this a new email for everyone? I have yet to see it. It is clearly no written by her. If it was the 1980's, I would say it is "Party line."

As far as precision, I play this game a lot, but will time things to finish about when I have a break at work, so I don't get to click on it "right" when it finishes, but a minute or two later. I only have 5,000 in precision, while 250th has 8,000. I will never be able to score on there. I have crawled up to 94th in the money, however.

No reason to hoard your money, upgrade everything you can.
GAB IV thanks for the drill! That is number 30! Now if I can get my quarry working or maybe a gift of 10 marbles from the GI gods I can finish my Eiffel Tower.

[City: Podunk / User: Trumpster2 / Level 42 / need drills! / quarry still broken :-( ]

Your welcome. Did anybody miss me. Lol. I just got back home from hand surgery. It was my right hand and I'm right handed. The big bandages are making the BB tapping a bit more challenging. Especially the targeting the right spot. I'm back in the game baby

[ city name: Sprawlville level 62 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
I am looking at the "ratings" and see "precision." How does one achieve points in this area?

I am clueless but curious too.

[ city name: Sprawlville level 62 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
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If that is the case, I spend way too much time on the game making low end products like milk. I hav ranked as low as 8th on the list, currently at 12.

No you just like to watch the water come to a boil, lol. I can understand now why I am always at the bottom. Two things work against me. One my attention deficit disorder prevents me from focusing on waiting for completion. Almost to the point I forget why I made the item lol. Second I usually wait until I need the newly made item or need to make something else. It my way of stretching out my WH space.

[ city name: Sprawlville level 62 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
No you just like to watch the water come to a boil, lol. I can understand now why I am always at the bottom. Two things work against me. One my attention deficit disorder prevents me from focusing on waiting for completion. Almost to the point I forget why I made the item lol. Second I usually wait until I need the newly made item or need to make something else. It my way of stretching out my WH space.

[ city name: Sprawlville level 62 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]

How's the hand doing?
Doing good, pain not high enough to start the Vicodin yet

[ city name: Sprawlville level 62 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]

Glad the hand is not too bad... Just goes to show that this game is evil- too many taps on the glass. Vicodin makes me ill.

Onanother note, I spent $14 mil on upgrades! 4x2 mil on wh's to level 9 (206 spaces there now!), 2nd chem plant to make thickener now, a bunch of lower level buildings up (like 2nd weaver to level 5), radio to level 3- just for fun, garage up, admin up. Bought a piece of land also. Whew, down to 300 grand.
Doing good, pain not high enough to start the Vicodin yet

[ city name: Sprawlville level 62 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]

Don't wait til it hurts, do a preemptive strike to keep ahead of the pain. A couple shots of tequila works well also.
Fully agree. My latest response from Yana is getting me no where, she's turning a little nutty in my opinion: "That is a new challenge in our city!
The game is named BIG business not without purpose! That is high time to find out what do you cost! Are you much of a best businessmen? Are you skill enough to improve the city affairs, or your destiny is to cry, to plead to mumble how game is unfair?! =)
Go ahead! Shine brightly on the roof of heaven! Proof everybody who is a boss out here."

Name: Rikmondo (no more spending) City name: Rikville Level. 55. Needs: Drills, please.

That's an insane response! Love it.

And the google translation probably doesn't do it justice.

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