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Big Business - game discussion

Hey, did anyone else lose the tools in the gift section after the update....that will really suck if they took them away and expect us to buy them now...what is going on GI? Are you really trying to lose players?
Hey, did anyone else lose the tools in the gift section after the update....that will really suck if they took them away and expect us to buy them now...what is going on GI? Are you really trying to lose players?

You're right, no tools anymore

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How do you upload your avatar? I see many others with a pix instead of the usual stock pics

[ city name: Sprawlville level 64 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
That one's a mystery to me, too; still says I only have 3 days 15 mins to complete the tasks for the billiard hall (which for me is 27 chocolates, 102 tea and 14 milkshakes). The only real difference I've noticed is with friend's icons - I can now see what presumably for those of you who've allowed Big Business to interact with your Facebook accounts are your Facebook icons. I've not granted access to Facebook, so I guess you still see me as one of the standard icons?


city name: hanham player name: stevegpi
level 43

I really wish these games wouldn't make you access friends and extract and post data to Facebook. I only created an account to get credits, but I don't use Facebook for any other reason.

I have 45 milkshakes to do and I only have one terminal! I don't think I can complete this task. Anytime they require tasks to be completed that include portions that are beyond our control are very unfair. I can't control how many bananas I friggin get!

city name: normal town. name: nickeli
How do you upload your avatar? I see many others with a pix instead of the usual stock pics

[ city name: Sprawlville level 64 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]

You gotta go to Facebook. Whatever your profile pic is there, it automatically gets uploaded to the game.

city name: normal town. name: nickeli
Okay, never done this before, so could one of you please kindly explain how we complain to GI about this game? Or do we go directly to the Apple store? Or do none of them actually care anymore?

I hate to say this, but this company's treatment of its players is complete and utter b*ll*ks. The game could be so great, yet they treat us all like s*t and scam us of our money. I'm finally with you guys who are now refusing to pay for city credits, and I'm getting close to our friends who've gone before us and quit the game entirely :-(

'Tis a sad day, GI. I hope you are damned bloody well reading this!
On the other hand... PERHAPS they do actually read this forum!

Привет народ. Ваша игра является большим, но ваше отношение к вашей платных пользователей весьма неудовлетворительно. Вы, кажется, не имеют никакого беспокойства или интереса в тех, кто ценит вашу работу, тех, кто платит для вашего продукта. Разве вы не понимаете, что скоро все перестанут платить? Это ваш шедевр вдруг превратиться в своего падения? Проснитесь, друзья мои. Ваш бизнес-план это плохо, вам нужно понять и осмыслить свой ​​рынок должным образом. В противном случае, вы не сможете «большого бизнеса», вы будете из бизнеса

Privet narod . Vasha igra yavlyayetsya bol'shim, no vashe otnosheniye k vashey platnykh pol'zovateley ves'ma neudovletvoritel'no . Vy, kazhetsya , ne imeyut nikakogo bespokoystva ili interesa v tekh, kto tsenit vashu rabotu, tekh, kto platit dlya vashego produkta. Razve vy ne ponimayete , chto skoro vse perestanut platit' ? Eto vash shedevr vdrug prevratit'sya v svoyego padeniya? Prosnites' , druz'ya moi. Vash biznes-plan eto plokho, vam nuzhno ponyat' i osmyslit' svoy ​​rynok dolzhnym obrazom. V protivnom sluchaye , vy ne smozhete «bol'shogo biznesa» , vy budete iz biznesa

And for those of us who are never entirely convinced Google Translate actually works:

Hello people. Your game is great, but your attitude to your paying users is very unsatisfactory. You appear to have no concern or interest in those who appreciate your work, those who pay for your product. Do you not realise that soon everybody will stop paying? That your masterpiece will suddenly turn into your downfall? Wake up, my friends. Your business plan is bad, you need to understand and comprehend your market properly. Otherwise, you will not be "Big Business", you will be out of business

Playername: Stevegpi
Village: Hanham
Level: Beyond interested at the moment!
Hey, did anyone else lose the tools in the gift section after the update....that will really suck if they took them away and expect us to buy them now...what is going on GI? Are you really trying to lose players?

My gifted tools go into the inventory under storage, not the gift section. Mine are still there.

[City: Podunk / User: Trumpster2 / Level 45 / quarry still broken :-( ]
My gifted tools go into the inventory under storage, not the gift section. Mine are still there.

[City: Podunk / User: Trumpster2 / Level 45 / quarry still broken :-( ]

She meant u can't gift tools anymore. They are not on list of gifts:(

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Is there anyway to get a double decker bus without spending $30?

Player name: Netdancer. City name: Freezone. lvl. 43 from Ocean Beach in San Diego in the US
As usual, GI has messed up again. The tools were good for the happiness upgrades, now we will have to buy them. There is good news, the upgrades are really not worth the expense. For example, the baseball diamond is only a 500 increase in happiness. 40 drills and 52 hammers are needed to upgrade. This takes a long time to accumulate with only 10 gifts a day allowed, I have just stored the free tools with no intention of using them. Happiness is best achieved from saving silver medlas and doing the challenges like the billiard hall. On Wednesdays make sure you place your farms, mills and confectionary factories in storage. I had only 11 chocolates, 33 teas and 14 milkshakes to make. Done in less than 2 days.
I just had a chisel gifted to me. But I could not gift a tool back. Maybe it is a random thing like so much of the game.

[City: Podunk / User: Trumpster2 / Level 45 / quarry still broken :-( ]
As usual, GI has messed up again. The tools were good for the happiness upgrades, now we will have to buy them. There is good news, the upgrades are really not worth the expense. For example, the baseball diamond is only a 500 increase in happiness. 40 drills and 52 hammers are needed to upgrade. This takes a long time to accumulate with only 10 gifts a day allowed, I have just stored the free tools with no intention of using them. Happiness is best achieved from saving silver medlas and doing the challenges like the billiard hall. On Wednesdays make sure you place your farms, mills and confectionary factories in storage. I had only 11 chocolates, 33 teas and 14 milkshakes to make. Done in less than 2 days.

Smart! I had to produce milk shakes, condensed milk and veggie ragu at that time, so i am indeep trouble. When y'all see junkerton as a friend, do you see my beautiful woman avatar, or a big fat headed man in front of the Trevi fountain that is my facebook avatar (not that I actually use it)? I see different avatars for the friends at the bottom than i see in the upper left hand corner when i visit.

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