Good spot! Wasn't it the case that you used to get 25 city credits for completing the Eiffel Tower? I just checked... I only stand to get 100,000 in coins now.
This company move the goal posts so often, it's beginning to become not funny. As a publications manager, I know the rigmarole one has to go through to get Apple to accept output for its newsstands, yet it seems that a business that's looking as patently CORRUPT as Gi is at the moment is allowed to get away with ... well, with robbery, really.
I'm not into flower beds and billboards and ponds - I have all that I can place, and the ingrate achievement just irks me. So, I'm not looking for gifts or giving them out so much these days. If you're among the clan needing those items though, please let me know and I'll send them as gifts to you (but am about to embark on a 7-day holiday to Mykonos, so will only be checking in here sporadically).
When I get back, I suppose I will tackle the road bridge challenge; my attempts at building the Eiffel have stalled, due to the fact that I really don't think I stand a cat's chance in hell of acquiring contest medals any time soon. Any tips (apart from those generally available online) as to how to best attempt the bridge heartily welcomed; am already stocking up on advertising, milkshakes, welders etcetera.
...Oh, and hoorah! I managed to get my poolhall. I only made 10 milkshakes (it had asked for 14, but ticked me as done after 10). The chocolate weighed in at 27 (I have five farms, three mills, for those of you good at sussing the competition requirements out). I made it with 9 hours to spare, so this was a relatively good challenge experience for me (it's usually much more touch-and-go!).
I do hope Gi sorts all this current brou-haha out; I liked this game when I saw it (March/April-ish), I like playing it, and I enjoy hanging out with you guys. I hope if we all stick in and complain enough, things will go back to some sort of reasonable game play. Fingers crossed.
p/name Stevegpi
c/name Hanham
collecting: nothing. but maybe we should start collecting signatures and petition Gi!