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Big Business - game discussion

Has anyone been able to determine the happiness levels to be able to place another factory from storage? I am at 230k and would like to know if I am near another value to place another stored factory. Thanks. I have a decision to make, should I spend 6 city credits to get another pool hall? I have 1:05 difference in time so I will spend 3 city credits for each cocoa.

I'm not sure what my numbers were, but all of sudden one day I was able to place one extra building from my storage out into my city. The population requirements for building another new factory hasn't changed, but I now have one more building out than I had before. I think the old population requirements are the same for how many buildings you can have out in your city, it looks to me like the only thing they changed was the requirements to build new factories. Still a bummer, but at least it looks like we can still take buildings out of storage at the same rate as before.

:-) City: MegVille Player: MegFree1013 Level: 42 Need: Trowels From: Chicago, Illinois:-)
Has anyone else noticed that the city credits for the special achievements have been removed with the last update.


  • image-1842903849.webp
    76 KB · Views: 269
Just wanted to send a quick note to thank those who have helped with filling containers. My levels are still low so it's a challenge........any help is greatly appreciated.
ALSO this no-sending tools as gifts really bites!!!!!

Can anyone tell me what I need to get the incorrigible sweet tooth award? Im trying to open the port as I have given up on getting avacados even after spending 30 credits for the special bus.Thanks for any help:)
Can anyone tell me what I need to get the incorrigible sweet tooth award? Im trying to open the port as I have given up on getting avacados even after spending 30 credits for the special bus.Thanks for any help:)

It's 10 donut shops.

City: Dove City Player: doveroad. Level: 44


  • image-4137671843.webp
    76 KB · Views: 224
Just wanted to send a quick note to thank those who have helped with filling containers. My levels are still low so it's a challenge........any help is greatly appreciated.
ALSO this no-sending tools as gifts really bites!!!!!


I agree, it now seems pointless to send any of the gifts unless its requires for an event or achievement

[ city name: Sprawlville level 64 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
Has anyone else noticed that the city credits for the special achievements have been removed with the last update.

Good spot! Wasn't it the case that you used to get 25 city credits for completing the Eiffel Tower? I just checked... I only stand to get 100,000 in coins now.

This company move the goal posts so often, it's beginning to become not funny. As a publications manager, I know the rigmarole one has to go through to get Apple to accept output for its newsstands, yet it seems that a business that's looking as patently CORRUPT as Gi is at the moment is allowed to get away with ... well, with robbery, really.

I'm not into flower beds and billboards and ponds - I have all that I can place, and the ingrate achievement just irks me. So, I'm not looking for gifts or giving them out so much these days. If you're among the clan needing those items though, please let me know and I'll send them as gifts to you (but am about to embark on a 7-day holiday to Mykonos, so will only be checking in here sporadically).

When I get back, I suppose I will tackle the road bridge challenge; my attempts at building the Eiffel have stalled, due to the fact that I really don't think I stand a cat's chance in hell of acquiring contest medals any time soon. Any tips (apart from those generally available online) as to how to best attempt the bridge heartily welcomed; am already stocking up on advertising, milkshakes, welders etcetera.

...Oh, and hoorah! I managed to get my poolhall. I only made 10 milkshakes (it had asked for 14, but ticked me as done after 10). The chocolate weighed in at 27 (I have five farms, three mills, for those of you good at sussing the competition requirements out). I made it with 9 hours to spare, so this was a relatively good challenge experience for me (it's usually much more touch-and-go!).

I do hope Gi sorts all this current brou-haha out; I liked this game when I saw it (March/April-ish), I like playing it, and I enjoy hanging out with you guys. I hope if we all stick in and complain enough, things will go back to some sort of reasonable game play. Fingers crossed.

Outahere :-)


p/name Stevegpi
c/name Hanham
collecting: nothing. but maybe we should start collecting signatures and petition Gi!
I don't know how you make so many factory's

I have almost maxed out on power plants

Player name: Netdancer. City name: Freezone. lvl. 44 from Ocean Beach in San Diego in the US
Good spot! Wasn't it the case that you used to get 25 city credits for completing the Eiffel Tower? I just checked... I only stand to get 100,000 in coins now.

This company move the goal posts so often, it's beginning to become not funny. As a publications manager, I know the rigmarole one has to go through to get Apple to accept output for its newsstands, yet it seems that a business that's looking as patently CORRUPT as Gi is at the moment is allowed to get away with ... well, with robbery, really.

I'm not into flower beds and billboards and ponds - I have all that I can place, and the ingrate achievement just irks me. So, I'm not looking for gifts or giving them out so much these days. If you're among the clan needing those items though, please let me know and I'll send them as gifts to you (but am about to embark on a 7-day holiday to Mykonos, so will only be checking in here sporadically).

When I get back, I suppose I will tackle the road bridge challenge; my attempts at building the Eiffel have stalled, due to the fact that I really don't think I stand a cat's chance in hell of acquiring contest medals any time soon. Any tips (apart from those generally available online) as to how to best attempt the bridge heartily welcomed; am already stocking up on advertising, milkshakes, welders etcetera.

...Oh, and hoorah! I managed to get my poolhall. I only made 10 milkshakes (it had asked for 14, but ticked me as done after 10). The chocolate weighed in at 27 (I have five farms, three mills, for those of you good at sussing the competition requirements out). I made it with 9 hours to spare, so this was a relatively good challenge experience for me (it's usually much more touch-and-go!).

I do hope Gi sorts all this current brou-haha out; I liked this game when I saw it (March/April-ish), I like playing it, and I enjoy hanging out with you guys. I hope if we all stick in and complain enough, things will go back to some sort of reasonable game play. Fingers crossed.

Outahere :-)


p/name Stevegpi
c/name Hanham
collecting: nothing. but maybe we should start collecting signatures and petition Gi!

Steve, I would bushwhack to the port first before tackling the bridge. The bridge does not really get you anything more interesting except for more space. At least the dam get you more power but the port add to a whole new level of play. Plus it is profitable. I did the port first and now planning to tackle the dam next. I just drove by the bridge to get to the hydro plant site.

[ city name: Sprawlville level 64 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
Magnolia, is that you I saw in my friends list??? I haven't seen you in a very long time. Welcome back i was missing you and your sister

[ city name: Sprawlville level 64 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
Steve, I would bushwhack to the port first before tackling the bridge. The bridge does not really get you anything more interesting except for more space. At least the dam get you more power but the port add to a whole new level of play. Plus it is profitable. I did the port first and now planning to tackle the dam next. I just drove by the bridge to get to the hydro plant site.

[ city name: Sprawlville level 64 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]

Have the ruler drops become more regular with the hydro plant? I don't want to start it until I have everything ready and think that I may possible have a chance to finish it within the time limit to get the safe. If the rulers are dropping now, I may attempt it.

:-) City: MegVille Player: MegFree1013 Level: 42 Need: Trowels From: Chicago, Illinois:-)
Have the ruler drops become more regular with the hydro plant? I don't want to start it until I have everything ready and think that I may possible have a chance to finish it within the time limit to get the safe. If the rulers are dropping now, I may attempt it.

:-) City: MegVille Player: MegFree1013 Level: 42 Need: Trowels From: Chicago, Illinois:-)

I think I read the ruler thing was fixed. I don't get my hopes up. I missed the blueprint from the port, so the whole thing doesn't matter to me now

[ city name: Sprawlville level 64 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
Have the ruler drops become more regular with the hydro plant? I don't want to start it until I have everything ready and think that I may possible have a chance to finish it within the time limit to get the safe. If the rulers are dropping now, I may attempt it.

:-) City: MegVille Player: MegFree1013 Level: 42 Need: Trowels From: Chicago, Illinois:-)

Meg, still notes sinle without spending a load of bucks. The suitcases still drop and you need all the luck in the world to get 1 every three days. I'm about 25 days in on 8 suitcases! Which is just stage 1 !!

Name: Rikmondo (no more spending) City name: Rikville Level. 56. Needs: Drills, please.
I am working on the bridge now. Up to business cards from the short/long daily contests. I get 1 a day as long as I finish that daily contest. Need 8 total so I know I won't get the chest or blueprint. I am not spending money for any materials for it. What would the point be when I know there is no chance to finish on time. Just waiting for the factory that makes diamond dust to pop up for sell again. I will keep collecting $ from the port thinking that I will eventually collect enough $ to reimburse the $ that I spent on the game in the past, otherwise I would have just quit the game when the population screw up happened.

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