Hello. I just opened up the port challenge does anyone know the list of challenged? I am on 10 workers and 10 donut shops. I want to know what's next since its hard to earn money
City name is BobbiCity
Found it on wiki
Looks like I won't be able to finish the challenge in 9 days that I have left I need more money and another college :/
I will ask the advice of the forum since everyone is discussing the time limits on things. I am holding off on doing these timed tasks until I can feasibly finish. Getting all the workers etc trained all the shops necessary in place so that all I have to do is troll for the suitcases etc that are required. Does this seem logical to do?
Do you need drills OR Pumps for quarry? We cannot give you pumps. You get them from terminal, visiting neighbors cities, and occasionally from daily bonus.
Trumpster2, city: Podunk, level 51
U r right~ i need pumps... Anyone know where I can look to get the list of the Eiffel Tower thing? I don't think I can really work ahead can I? If, lets say, I needed 10 muffins for the next step...would it b possible to have those in my inventory while I still work on the previous task?
Also of you don't finish in the allotted time - do you have the chance to work on it again or or longer? Wish I would of waited to click on it til I was further ahead..
Any ideas or tips that you can give for my to make money faster? Other than b on 24/7?
Thanks SOO much!!
BB user name ~ labstudios
I've just reached the final stage of the bridge. Do I really have to finish exactly second in the daily competition three times, that seems like a rather tall order? Thanks for any advice! Richard
Regarding the commercial port it says to have 10 milkshakes, I have 8 bananas saved up. If I make them before the challenge pops up will they count in my warehouse or do I have to deliver them once the challenge comes up if that makes sense