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Big Business - game discussion

I'm on building the commercial port task and noticed that the steel details are not dropping at all, I have 4 in about 2 days is this normal? Because my task ends in a day and 19 hours

Perfectly normal.
Of course, GI will tell you that it's just a matter of luck.

I only completed the quest (after the deadline to get the safe expired) because an offer to buy suitcases full of steel bolts magically popped up just when I was getting really frustrated. But I was keen to start playing the game with a port and buckled in and bought the suitcases. Now I'm stuck on the last stage of the road bridge, because I haven't managed to find any friends under level 11 to send gifts to; but I don't think even GI has found a way to send them in suitcases!!!


Player name: SteveGPI
City name: Hanham
Finally placed first in the contests. Had the day off and nothing else going on and I used a production bonus. City: Geldville player level 63 Player name: Germanmajor and I am from rural Maine. Turbines always appreciated for upgrading my dam

Congrats. No easy task coming first in the competitions.

Name: Rikmondo (no more spending) City name: Rikville Level. 60. Needs: hammers, please.
Perfectly normal.
Of course, GI will tell you that it's just a matter of luck.

I only completed the quest (after the deadline to get the safe expired) because an offer to buy suitcases full of steel bolts magically popped up just when I was getting really frustrated. But I was keen to start playing the game with a port and buckled in and bought the suitcases. Now I'm stuck on the last stage of the road bridge, because I haven't managed to find any friends under level 11 to send gifts to; but I don't think even GI has found a way to send them in suitcases!!!


Player name: SteveGPI
City name: Hanham
So lame
I'm also completing the Eiffel tower and have found 11 journals still only 4 steel details that's really messed up
4/30 steel details in about two days with a day left

I wonder if this has to do with my Eiffel challenge occurring at the same time I am collecting journals
Hide your factories.


[City: Podunk / User: Trumpster2 / Level *53*]
Can I ask anyone out there why is GI trying to sell mansions when most of us probably can't use it? I mean our happiness levels are so high that who can achieve them to need big buildings with high population? I haven't built houses since I needed to complete quests. Am I missing something?
Am I the only one who didn't get the super event? Not that I honestly care after the last one with the printing office but I was just wondering.
I finally got it.
I just realized the underwater tunnel was there. I have never really looked at it. Is that another big quest thing like the land bridge and hydro plant?
How do you shut down the game with ios7? I can't double click the home button and X out the game. city name: normal town. name: nickeli

When you double click scroll to the app icon, above it you'll see a thumbnail of the game, swipe the thumbnail upwards which will close it down.

The Archangel
When you double click scroll to the app icon, above it you'll see a thumbnail of the game, swipe the thumbnail upwards which will close it down. The Archangel

Omg. thanks. I googled it and still couldn't figure it out. Why do we have to research these new features? Uggghhhhh

city name: normal town. name: nickeli
I finally got it.
I just realized the underwater tunnel was there. I have never really looked at it. Is that another big quest thing like the land bridge and hydro plant?

So far it says for the underwater tunnel "you'll be able to build it soon". You should do the port before the river bridge. Good money maker.

Trumpster2, city: Podunk, level 51
Thanks for the advice. I am trying to get everything I will need such as buildings and what not so I am not in a time crunch. I would like to be able to get the chest at the end, I know funny funny there!
Thanks for the advice. I am trying to get everything I will need such as buildings and what not so I am not in a time crunch. I would like to be able to get the chest at the end, I know funny funny there!

I was able to get the safe doing the port. Not the bridge though.

Trumpster2, city: Podunk, level 51

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