Yes I'm waiting on the halloween event too. After the birthday we are now lapping the holiday events. I have a pile of bones that I'd like to use up, lol. All the crazy stuff I collected through out the year has cluttered my inventory, making it harder to find the stuff you really need. We need like a long term storage to hold that stuff. That or allow us to gift it away or sell it back.
Amen to that! If they spring a completely new Halloween task, then I'm definitely out of here. I wasn't around for Hallowe'en, Thanksgiving OR Christmas, first time around, but have nevertheless spent most of 2013 wondering (a) how on earth I'm ever supposed to achieve some of the "special" achievements (like upgrade my Leprechaun Treasury, f'rÃnstance!), and (b) why on earth I have so many Valentine love letters, St Patrick's day charms, 4th of July confetti - not to mention the surplus hot pizzas, design journals and, believe it or not, steel details (!) - I have cluttering up my storage. If i can't use them; let me sell them! If I can't use them or sell them --- something's seriously screwed with this game's operating model!!!
SteveGPI. Hanham. Level 50