very inspirational GAB. I had to let a few ships pass and some daily contests go. I can set most of my factories to produce in greater than or equal to 6 hours so it forces me to step away for a while. Good travels.That's a big forget about it baby. Lol. I'm in Baltimore tonight and I had a few. I stopped playing full time on this. But in a moment of weakness I'm looking here. I think I started the hydro many many weeks ago. It's nice when things are slow, something to work on, you know. Only way to complete on time is to spend credits. Unless your willing to do that just go ahead and start it. Let the BB bond go meg. Just play when you really have spare time to kill. Don't kill you life on this game by getting caught up in the rigid structure of the game. Break loose. Let a ship or two go. Don't finish a daily. You will find the sun still comes up tomorrow. Sorry for the drunken rant, please don't take any offense. Good luck to ya, and I'm sure our ships will pass in the night. Mine is easy to see, it's only half full floating high. Lol [ city name: Sprawlville level 65 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
Hi everyone. I started playing BB last week and I'm absolutely hooked! I'm just introducing myself for now and I would love to be neighbours with forum members. Username/city name: Janie2
Once you build the special buildings, they gave off brooms and bone and what nots. First was collecting turkey's to make the special buildings. And that's the beer talking lolit added some new special achievements. Can you remember how to get the brooms? I can't remember that far back on this game.
Hey are you the one who gives the astrology and environmental reports on the radio? Or was that hollybolly?Hello
very inspirational GAB. I had to let a few ships pass and some daily contests go. I can set most of my factories to produce in greater than or equal to 6 hours so it forces me to step away for a while. Good travels.
thats a good ideaHey I miss you in Baltimore. I found a nice brewery, next to the casino. No I didn't go to the casino. But next time your here, I am game, pun intended [ city name: Sprawlville level 65 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
I got one about a month ago. No idea what it's for.
city name: normal town. name: nickeli
You buy the Cave of Horrors, Witch's hut, and Dark Altar in the Entertainment Shop. You than collect from these placesHas anyone seen any citizens walking around to collect from? We need 25 elexirs and so far I haven't spotted anyone to collect from.