To all those who have contributed to my hydro project
Thanks !!!
got my last turbine and wonder of wonders got my 15 the gold coin as a daily present ( wow) !
It's taken me good two -three months to achieve this without spending a penny.
Esp considering that all the aluminium and paint in the warehouse was useless. Have been given folders which were not part of the project and still have all 10 suitcases in my warehouse.
So there is hope guys!!
Have drafted a long email asking GI to do something about all the leftovers from all the project. Given
Ideas a like they could be bartered, sold , to give all of us a chance to finish the incomplete jobs. Or GI just takes it away. 48 hours no response!
Btw I keep on getting lense pieces and have made 15 lenses but not a single metal one. MAybe i will gget an offer to buy) If they think I will spend real money , they are so wrong !!
I started the hydro plant a couple of days ago; made great progress with tasks 1 & 2 of the first stage, as I'd planted my trees on hills, and had the required amount of paper stored up. Now I'm on the last task of this stage, finding 20 workers and collecting 10 suitcases. Well guess what. I've seen three workers so far, and as one of those popped up within minutes of the first, I didn't have the energy to click on him and he vanished again. So, 2 days in and I have 2 workers. As for suitcases - not a sign of one whatsoever, so far. Although - miracle of miracles - GI are offering them for sale to me, at 4 suitcases for 20 city credits; so I'd have to spend 60 city credits to get what I need.
Well, I think not GI. You've made it pretty clear to us all that completing projects in time (I managed the port only after spending lots of money!) to get the safe contents is pretty much impossible. So I'll be keeping my money from now on, thanks, and who cares if I never finish the hydro plant; the way I'm feeling about Big Business these days, I'm not sure I can be bothered to stick around to finish the next cookie, let alone the hydro plant

Oh, and GsRao: I too seem to be able to collect only lenses. I have enough of them now to open a small opticians, right there in my city! But cogwheels ... as rare as workers and steel details, it would appear!

SteveGPI / Hanham / Level 52 : Needs trowels ... and suitcases ;-)