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Big Business - game discussion

Silver lining is that I don't have to worry so much about warehouse space. I only had a couple of slots free prior which is a bit of a pain. I just know the bananas are going to be spare now city - Squillion square player name amanda35

That should be sparse not spare

city - Squillion square player name amanda35
I've decided to give this event a go! Even though my numbers are considerably lower than most others have posted, I am a little challenged when it comes to factories. Thus far, I have focused my energies and resources on getting at least one of each of the industrial building before the happiness number shoots through the roof. I do have 5 farms which should give me the cacao beans with no problem. I only have 1 confectionery though so making 9 chocolates will take up 54 hours running night and day. I also only have 1 milling plant but with only 35 tea needed that should not be an issue. My biggest challenge will be the milkshakes. I have made 4 so far so I have 18 to go. I have 4 open slots in my terminal and will expand it to the fifth slot as soon as the active trips are complete. Hopefully running all the trips all day will net me enough bananas to complete that part of the task. Only one dairy factory too but with only a 5 minute production time and the scarcity of bananas that should not pose any problems.

I guess I can kiss goodbye to the weekend now. Good thing it is cold and nasty out so there's not much to do outdoors! Lets rock and roll!
I'm fortunate that my ipad is not connected to the internet yet. I'm debating which factories to hide in storage when I get home and connect.
I have to make 108 tea and 19 milk shakes. I will have to buy the chocolate with my credits as I will not have enough time to get the cocoa beans and tea, but hopefully I can complete it as the building is quite a high happiness level. I only have three farms so the tea is going to be a stretch but I think it's worth a go.

Shaza w
Are you guys sending out the 1 hour vans or the 3 hour busses to get bananas? It says "rarely" for the vans and "often" for the busses, but 3 hours later and my 5 busses typically only drop 1 banana. This is going to take me forever to get to 36 milkshakes at this point!

:-) City: MegVille Player: MegFree1013 Level: 56 From: Chicago, Illinois:-)
I'm running 3 of the 1-hour micro busses and 2 double deckers. Since about noon today I have received only 2 bananas! This is flat out ridiculous! At this rate there's no way I'm going to be able to complete the milkshake part to the event without cc.
I'm running 3 of the 1-hour micro busses and 2 double deckers. Since about noon today I have received only 2 bananas! This is flat out ridiculous! At this rate there's no way I'm going to be able to complete the milkshake part to the event without cc.

Yeah, I agrees. Bananas are going to be the tough part for me too because it's random....I have no control over it!

:-) City: MegVille Player: MegFree1013 Level: 56 From: Chicago, Illinois:-)
Once again, some absurd numbers for such a short event. Unless you have a whole bunch of bananas saved up, how in the world can they expect us to make that many milkshakes in 4 days?! Not to mention the chocolates which require a 6 hour cacao bean each.

I can understand stretch goals but these are just flat out unattainable unless you spend every waking hour playing the game/spend real cash.

On another note, I think its totally unfair that the numbers vary from player to player (I guess based on your level). I have the following requirements:

Chocolate: 9
Tea: 35
Milkshake: 22

The time and ingredient requirements are the same so why such a huge discrepancy?!

The targets are also based on the number of facilities each player has in their town with which to produce the required goods - for instance, I only have the one dairy factory, so it's only actually asking me to produce 18 milkshakes. I have 5 farms, 3 milling plants and 3 confectioneries, so my other targets work out as 27 chocolate and 105 tea.

Milkshakes are always unfair, even based on this equation (ie. how many dairy farms you have) because you're dependent on the luck factor of obtaining them via bus trips, rather than being able to produce them yourself :-(


SteveGPI / Hanham / Level56
Hi I am newer to Big Business and wish I had found this site earlier on. but is is very helpful even now. My words of wisdom to any newbie is to read this forum even older post cuz they all help. Get invites to friends out. I personally need 10 trowels and every likes to send me billboards. There is a way to say I need this in the game that I know of. Does anyone know of a way? Signing this with my city name if anyone would like to drop trowels in my direction! Forrest the Cat
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Hi I am newer to Big Business and wish I had found this site earlier on. but is is very helpful even now. My words of wisdom to any newbie is to read this forum even older post cuz they all help. Get invites to friends out. I personally need 10 trowels and every likes to send me billboards. There is a way to say I need this in the game that I know of. Does anyone know of a way? Signing this with my city name if anyone would like to drop trowels in my direction! Forrest the Cat

Hi Forrest,
to add you as a friend we need your player name!

Player: ClaireGruu
City: Charlstown
Happy New Year to you all! :)

Did any of you get a bronze detail ?
I got a lot of lense fragments but zero bronze details?!?!

I'm fortunate that my ipad is not connected to the internet yet. I'm debating which factories to hide in storage when I get home and connect.

The requirements must be based on player level because mine are still ridiculously high despite hiding factories. 90 milkshakes is just not going to happen. I'll be finishing my hydro and bridge projects instead.

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