O and I just kept my bakery going or any of my places that makes things - even if a small belt and the cash is starting to add up. Next to stop looking at the citizen count in my town every time I send out a bus! It will go much faster if I dont look all the time.
I went through a lot of the assorted contracts that are available and found a combination that gets me cash at a pretty decent clip. On days that I am off (with no plans besides laying on the couch watching football), or if I can manage to multitask BB alongside work, here's what I try to keep going:
Apple Pies at the Bakery: Profit of 8,520 per hour
Muffins at the Confectionery: Profit of 6,570 per hour
Chairs at the Furniture Factory: Profit of 5,940 per hour
Belts at Weaving Factory: Profit of 4,680 per hour
Oil at Oil Refinery: Profit of 1,310 per hour
Baking Soda at Chemical Plant: Profit of 1,490 per hour
Salt at Mine: Profit of 1,440 per hour
The above numbers take into account raw material costs but do not take into account raw material production time. But a lot of them you can produce while the good are being produced simultaneously (if you have enough factories for it though). For the fruit and flax, I have 5 farms so I have 3 fruits and 2 flax going at the same time. Grains are such a short crop that I just bust out 20-30 and then keep the milling plant running. I have two ranches so the leather is not a problem either.
I also make some longer duration raw materials overnight - vegetables/cacao beans, meat etc... that I can use to produce high profit goods during the day at the food plant, toy store, radio factory etc...
If you want to take it up a notch, you find some shorter contracts that might be more profitable on an hourly basis.
This plan gives me a total of ~30,000 profit per hour. On a good day, working the game for about 10 hours or so can easily net me about 300k in a day. A lot of this might be overkill to some. I am trying to get some cash built generated to purchase and upgrade the last remaining factories (cosmetics & electronics). Also want to buy lots of land so I can spread all my factories out to make it look a little cleaner.
Now I certainly don't have the time to do this everyday, though with winter not allowing much outdoor stuff to do, I find myself keeping my factories humming on the weekend to get me some quick cash
If anyone else has similar strategies they would like to share, or suggestions I'd love to hear!