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Big Business - game discussion

Grains are such a short crop that I just bust out 20-30 and then keep the milling plant running. I have two ranches so the leather is not a problem either.

I also make some longer duration raw materials overnight - vegetables/cacao beans, meat etc... that I can use to produce high profit goods during the day at the food plant, toy store, radio factory etc...

I am finding the same. It is getting the timing down so your down time on business is minimal. Started really getting it down last night when I was trying to get 10 of this or that. I dont have all the factories yet and wont be able to upgrade with more until I bring my population back up. so I am making as much money as I can but we are on the same page. You have it written down, whereas mine is still in my head LOL! Thanks for the info! and I agreed I want to make my nicer also but moving my buildings goes for another badge anyways!
This game would be much better if it had an undo button. I keep demolishing things when I am collecting coins, and starting lengthy contracts accidentally. :rolleyes:
This game would be much better if it had an undo button. I keep demolishing things when I am collecting coins, and starting lengthy contracts accidentally. :rolleyes:

I agree!

:-) City: MegVille Player: MegFree1013 Level: 57 From: Chicago, Illinois:-)
This game would be much better if it had an undo button. I keep demolishing things when I am collecting coins, and starting lengthy contracts accidentally. :rolleyes:

or accidentally storing things like um my farm. double check do u really want to store this...esp if u need more people then to get it out.
What is everyone's opinion on warehouse space? I am at 30 right now and about to buy my next factory. 30 works fine most of the time but I can't really stock up on anything. How much space do u have?
Warehouse space: the more the better! I have 5 warehouses now with space for 154 items. Don't know how I got along with only 30 spaces. When you need to hold 10 of something, it is quite a challenge.

[City: Podunk / User: Trumpster2 / Level *62*]
What is everyone's opinion on warehouse space? I am at 30 right now and about to buy my next factory. 30 works fine most of the time but I can't really stock up on anything. How much space do u have?

If you are building more factories you are gonna need the space to store you wears.
What is everyone's opinion on warehouse space? I am at 30 right now and about to buy my next factory. 30 works fine most of the time but I can't really stock up on anything. How much space do u have?

I've got space for 206 and find sometimes that isn't enough

city: Kiwiland player: Ukkiwiguy
well darn it all. I stored another farm accidently. Now I have 1. Not anything bad...if I wasnt delpleting my citizens to 0. I am at exactly 24k! Bought a 2nd terminal to drop faster since I stored that farm. I am having to be pretty savvy now with my farming for abt 5 days. But it is dropping my numbers fast so I can recoup those farms sooner! Bad fingers bad bad fingers.

But I finally got my port open and whoever helped me with my shipment I thank you if you are on here! too much for one farm to handle LOL.

Now for those elusive trowels! Still looking for friends to add!

BTW I will need lime on my next shipment in abt 6 hrs if anyone likes to help I am gonna try to get some going now and fruit and shoes. are the other 2.
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If you detach all your homes from roads, you will not get any medical help only fire. Found this out when I was needing medical help for 7 times on a goal and for 3 days only got fire. Set up a house off to the side with a road and got my 7 helps fast. Now to detach the road and not accidentally clicking citizens so I can finish getting to 667(6- superstitious) and 0 population.
Still going through the older threads and picking up names of players and inviting them....

Would if we had a roll call? I have seen many ppl out here but wonder if ppl are still here and who is lurking .. like you over there in the corner. I know there are some. I will start with me, and my signature should say it all......

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