Lol just updated... The corp is still building I think. Please share your first impressions, folks. I got some invitations to join but I suspect the whole corp affair s just another money-grabbing scheme. Am I wrong?
{Summerville - Elloriana, lvl 70}
Here are my initial thoughts about the corporation:
1. It is going to be extremely intensive. i.e. in order to finish the task in time, you are pretty much going to have to produce goods most of the day during the 4 day period. The completion of the task successfully depends on the entire team holding their own. The first task for example is to produce 360 flowers (4 hour good) in 4 days. Hopefully folks have multiple factories else it will get increasingly difficult.
2. The rewards for completing successfully are not earth shattering. The faster you complete the event, the better the rewards. Here are the rewards for the current event:
Complete in half the time: 6 Tax Inspections, 3 Tool Boxes, 1 Tool Case, 1 Building Brigade, 500 Instant Population, 1000 Rating Points (not sure what the rating points mean at this point besides to toot your horn).
Complete in quarter faster: 4 Tax Inspections, 2 Tool Boxes, 200 Instant Population, 1000 Rating Points
Complete the task in time: 2 Tax Inspections, 2 Tool Boxes, 50 Instant Population, 1000 Rating Points
3. In addition to the team tasks, there are supposed to be individual member tasks. I have not seen any yet so that might be a future release.
My recommendation is, if you don't have any other specific tasks you are working on, this might a good thing to keep the city churning. If you do not play actively everyday, its probably best you pass on this since you might end up with some angry/disappointed teammates.
I know one thing for sure - they better either have been rewards, or slightly less taxing tasks, or mix things up somehow where we're not only producing producing producing until the end of time. Only time will tell how long the luster of this new thing will last. I suspect that without any attractive game play options, people will start to tire quite easily.
That's my two cents worth on it