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Big Business - game discussion

Thanks, Judy! We've talked about this before but now that the option is available to me, its time to make a call :) I have two days to ponder before I have to make a decision. The only thing keeping me from it is that my pop requirement will shoot through the roof now with two new additions. That will throw my milling plant and confectionery plans out the window. But then again, I can purchase those two building at any time and these special buildings are not always available. How I wish these insane pop limit numbers would be dropped down to realistic levels. Next thing I know my entire city is going to look like one massive baseball field with some sushi shops scattered here and there. Sigh!

Population yes...and my city does resemble a baseball complex for the world.and a pizza parlor extravaganza. I again am pushing the limit of whatever I add next will up my population requirement into a new millennium and when it takes almost a day to make a b-ball field and 220k a pop without a discount card I need to decide what factory I want to double up on and choose really wisely. I know it will not be the electronic factory to add.. the cost is 1.4 mil think i might add another chem fact and then I got to add entertainment galore to up the pop. yes Sigh!

I did spend cc on the Stele of Prosperity though and built them up and they up my pop count. THAT i will get more on another sale. they are worth it.. put your highest happiness in the range
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Thanks Forrest for all the info! Looks like I will go ahead and buy the factories, though I won't be able to use them for a little while. I am at the max on my pop limit and will need an additional 44,000 to be able to bring both out of storage.

Right now, my priority is income generation! My city is poor! LOL! I make about 3MM a week but that is spent in a heartbeat on Admin upgrades, land purchases, and entertainment buildings. It is crazy how expensive admin and garage upgrades are now. I am still livid that GI doesn't allow building brigades to be used on those buildings. What's the point on giving away BB on the corp gold medal if we find very few uses for them anymore.

The confectionery and milling plant are a double edged sword. On one hand it is good to have multiples, but then on the other hand, the number of good that need to be produced for those special events also goes up dramatically.

I need to make some money quick so I can buy more plots of land to spread out my entertainment buildings and factories. It sounds like the mines are a good option for income generation. I will plan on getting the processing plant when it is offered on sale.

Thanks again for your comments!

EDIT: I am not all that particular on getting on the achievements but if one is doable in the normal course of the game, I certainly try to shoot for it. I will try those ingot achievements (I have plenty of WH space so no issue there).
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Yes I make money also but I also spend it on the admin and garage updates I try to start building as soon as the last one is done... which is like 2 or 3 days now. I am a cash poor town but I am starting to turn it around. I also try to buy a plot of land to get my space. I got things a little better arranged now. I just forget where I place things when I move them LOL. Glad I could put some input int o help you.

BTW my Eiffel Tower is now D O N E woohoo! I placed it right next to my Stele of Prosperity and that boosted me up in pop to the next level to build. I decided on a 2nd chem plant this time then my Tower finished and boom next money grab I can think abt another factory!

I just read in the w!k!a site (that we cant post the site name here) that if you build 9 skate parks you open some treasure hunting thing....I am trying it
OK I tried it and build 9 skate parks it opens a treasure map set of goals...next goal you need 10 cheeses so if you start some going while your parks are building you can be ahead of the game. I think I read the next goal was buying a plot of land and I have 11 hours until mine is ready so I am gonna get all this cheese done fast so when my land opens up I get credit for it!
OK I tried it and build 9 skate parks it opens a treasure map set of goals...next goal you need 10 cheeses so if you start some going while your parks are building you can be ahead of the game. I think I read the next goal was buying a plot of land and I have 11 hours until mine is ready so I am gonna get all this cheese done fast so when my land opens up I get credit for it!

Is this the treasure map quest at the top of the screen? If it is, there are three parts to it, so three quests can be done at once. If you slide it across on the green arrow there is a chance to reach three suitcases. Not sure if this is what you are talking about, but I certainly remember building nine skateparks for it.

Shaza w. Oaklands. Happiness corp.
Is this the treasure map quest at the top of the screen? If it is, there are three parts to it, so three quests can be done at once. If you slide it across on the green arrow there is a chance to reach three suitcases. Not sure if this is what you are talking about, but I certainly remember building nine skateparks for it.

Shaza w. Oaklands. Happiness corp.

Yes I must of just found this last one
Hi new to the forums wanted to know if anyone else had issues working on the power plant chain (the big waterfall thing). I started it and the first part went ok however for the last 5 days now I have been stuck on the 2nd part of stage 1 where we need to help 20 workers and get 10 suitcases so far I on,y had 1 suitcase drop two days ago and zero workers show up. Wondering if I need to do something to trigger them. I have 1 day left to win the award (not that I even dreamt of that happening lol) and it's frustrating emailed Gi and was simply told that it is a luck thing on drops and to wait. Any advice is appreciated In game name is the same starr4837 always looking for neighbours :-)

I just finished that level and it took 2 weeks to get all the suitcases to drop....such BS
I'm building a commeracial port. How do I do "Make friends with 100 Reporters".
Name MarcinSz1976 - add me to friends:)
It's pretty easy. Send me expensive gifts or decorations(which I then sell for $$) and I send my reporters to your city.

Just kidding. The reporters wander around your city. They'll show, just be patient(GI has to wind down your clock some way)
Quick question is there a way to play more than one big business account on an iPad? My daughter wants to start a game but I wasn't sure if she could use my iPad or not
Quick question is there a way to play more than one big business account on an iPad? My daughter wants to start a game but I wasn't sure if she could use my iPad or not

I dont know but it is a great question...I will be looking for an answer....Maybe send a note to GI? they might even answer in a timely manner!
Quick question is there a way to play more than one big business account on an iPad? My daughter wants to start a game but I wasn't sure if she could use my iPad or not

I don't see how it would be possible to have two different games on the same iPad since the iPad is tied to your unique Apple ID. The only thing I haven't explored is whether switching iCloud accounts on the same iPad allows for unique games tied to that particular account. I don't think it would work but that is the only option I can see where you could run two separate BB games.

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