iPF Novice
Thanks, Judy! We've talked about this before but now that the option is available to me, its time to make a callI have two days to ponder before I have to make a decision. The only thing keeping me from it is that my pop requirement will shoot through the roof now with two new additions. That will throw my milling plant and confectionery plans out the window. But then again, I can purchase those two building at any time and these special buildings are not always available. How I wish these insane pop limit numbers would be dropped down to realistic levels. Next thing I know my entire city is going to look like one massive baseball field with some sushi shops scattered here and there. Sigh!
Population yes...and my city does resemble a baseball complex for the world.and a pizza parlor extravaganza. I again am pushing the limit of whatever I add next will up my population requirement into a new millennium and when it takes almost a day to make a b-ball field and 220k a pop without a discount card I need to decide what factory I want to double up on and choose really wisely. I know it will not be the electronic factory to add.. the cost is 1.4 mil think i might add another chem fact and then I got to add entertainment galore to up the pop. yes Sigh!
I did spend cc on the Stele of Prosperity though and built them up and they up my pop count. THAT i will get more on another sale. they are worth it.. put your highest happiness in the range
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