iPF Novice
Is anyone else's game crashing a lot today? Shaza w
Nothing new for me. Always crashing! For Months now!
[City: Podunk / User: Trumpster2 / Level *70*]
Is anyone else's game crashing a lot today? Shaza w
this can be used to your friends advantage you know? I've found that when I fill containers for them and the game crashes the goods appear back in my w/house. Not sure if you get the money though!Originally Posted by ShazaW - Is anyone else's game crashing a lot today? Shaza w I crash when visiting too many neighbors. I visit about five at a time them go back to my city, then back to vist five more. Repeat as needed. I also have serious crashes (not just game, but my whole device) when visiting cities with levels about 60 or higher. I dont even visit level 70 players anymore because I will have to reboot my device soon after. Device: Ipad 2, x64 User: Stantera City: StanZ
LOL, are they for real? I had only 4 ranches, 3 mills and 2 confectionaries on the map.
<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=56442"/>
Fortunately, I already have one space robot so there is no "temptation" to waste a weekend on this 1300 hp crap.
{Summerville - Elloriana, lvl 70}
Be glad you aren't me with 400 fur and 5 ranches.
Trumpster2, city: Podunk, level 70