Ridiculous requirements. I'll build myself a basketball court insteadI'm curious to know if anyone is actually building the robot?? The figures are so ridiculous. Is there someone giving it a bash?
I thought the same! I went for another dancefloor. You get more money doing the daily contest and don't tie your factories up with needless production.Ridiculous requirements. I'll build myself a basketball court instead
Trumpster2, city: Podunk, level 70
the thing with big business is you have to be in it for the long haul and it will steal your life away from you but worth it in the end. Keep at and its a shame that we can't gift each other avacado and steel details!!Hi everyone! I'm new in this forum!! I've been playing the game just over 3 months dailyI'm really stuck with avocados and steel details for the tower and the port... Loosing the will to live!! Haha!! My game name is Krysita in case you want to add me!!