Thanks for the lotion and sushi, guys! Too bad I could not ask for 6 helps! I did get 3 pet foods in my VIP container, which will make me over 38K. Not bad for a days work!
[City: Podunk / User: Trumpster2 / Level 42 / need drills / quarry still broken :-( ]
Thanks Lira..Got your fish kiwi
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Shoes formtonocity, slabs for taz and a varnish for kiwigirl. Starting a fish for you now, kiwi.
This game is great having such great friends. Y'all came through with some ore and chlorine. I thank you for this!
Kiwi land. .. Working on your cheese...will take a while but will keep pumping them out...
Also making sand for whoever needs it...I have several people in my list needing it.
I have been checking ports to see if I can help anyone
My next ship in needs purses, soap and glue..ship will be in dock in about 2.5 hrs.
Kiwi land. .. Working on your cheese...will take a while but will keep pumping them out...
Also making sand for whoever needs it...I have several people in my list needing it.
I have been checking ports to see if I can help anyone
My next ship in needs purses, soap and glue..ship will be in dock in about 2.5 hrs.
Made 6 cheese for you, Kiwiland and have 9 with one more being made in 6 minutes. I have 3 purses ready to go if you need. Have made a few baking sodas if needed also (Meg.) *(Just got done with 10 and was too late to help. I guess I'll sell it)
Lira, I cannot seem to add you. Add me if you would, ceo nelson. City is Junkerton.
Gave Cogee a shampoo. Have I seen him/her on here?