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Big Business Port: Cargo Containers For Sale

Thanks for the lotion and sushi, guys! Too bad I could not ask for 6 helps! I did get 3 pet foods in my VIP container, which will make me over 38K. Not bad for a days work!

[City: Podunk / User: Trumpster2 / Level 42 / need drills / quarry still broken :-( ]
Opened 3 containers of Cables (1,1,1) Thanks!!

:-) City: MegVille Player: MegFree1013 Level: 42 Need: Trowels From: Chicago, Illinois:-)
Thanks for the lotion and sushi, guys! Too bad I could not ask for 6 helps! I did get 3 pet foods in my VIP container, which will make me over 38K. Not bad for a days work!

[City: Podunk / User: Trumpster2 / Level 42 / need drills / quarry still broken :-( ]

JC, I sent you 3 water guns. Enjoy the summertime water fight!
Making you eggs, Piter.
I will need some chlorine for any able to produce them. I had to make acid for components, so could not make any chlorine.
Shoes formtonocity, slabs for taz and a varnish for kiwigirl. Starting a fish for you now, kiwi.
This game is great having such great friends. Y'all came through with some ore and chlorine. I thank you for this!
Will need Baking Soda in 6 hours if anyone could make some for me. Thanks!!

:-) City: MegVille Player: MegFree1013 Level: 42 Need: Trowels From: Chicago, Illinois:-)
Kiwi land. .. Working on your cheese...will take a while but will keep pumping them out...
Also making sand for whoever needs it...I have several people in my list needing it.

I have been checking ports to see if I can help anyone

My next ship in needs purses, soap and glue..ship will be in dock in about 2.5 hrs.
Shoes formtonocity, slabs for taz and a varnish for kiwigirl. Starting a fish for you now, kiwi.
This game is great having such great friends. Y'all came through with some ore and chlorine. I thank you for this!

Thanks Racket. Lira filled my fish container. Il fill the second one in 25 minutes and set sail...
I'm making glue now, and have diesel and solvent if you need
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Kiwi land. .. Working on your cheese...will take a while but will keep pumping them out...
Also making sand for whoever needs it...I have several people in my list needing it.

I have been checking ports to see if I can help anyone

My next ship in needs purses, soap and glue..ship will be in dock in about 2.5 hrs.

I have 4 purses ready :) , not sure if you' re on my friends list.
Name lira0367 city name nyc10036

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Kiwi land. .. Working on your cheese...will take a while but will keep pumping them out...
Also making sand for whoever needs it...I have several people in my list needing it.

I have been checking ports to see if I can help anyone

My next ship in needs purses, soap and glue..ship will be in dock in about 2.5 hrs.

Made 6 cheese for you, Kiwiland and have 9 with one more being made in 6 minutes. I have 3 purses ready to go if you need. Have made a few baking sodas if needed also (Meg.) *(Just got done with 10 and was too late to help. I guess I'll sell it)
Lira, I cannot seem to add you. Add me if you would, ceo nelson. City is Junkerton.
Gave Cogee a shampoo. Have I seen him/her on here?
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Ship sailed. Next ship needs cheese, oil and varnish. Can make cheese and 1 varnish, maybe 2. Need help with oil. Maybe 4,5
I'll open the containers in the morning, in ~8 hours
Made 6 cheese for you, Kiwiland and have 9 with one more being made in 6 minutes. I have 3 purses ready to go if you need. Have made a few baking sodas if needed also (Meg.) *(Just got done with 10 and was too late to help. I guess I'll sell it)
Lira, I cannot seem to add you. Add me if you would, ceo nelson. City is Junkerton.
Gave Cogee a shampoo. Have I seen him/her on here?

Hi Racket, added you:)

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