iPF Novice
Thanks for all the help..ship has sailed and the next one up is dye, cheesecake and lipstick...
Very frustrating when I require items that I cannot produce.
Need salt and skateboards. Well open containers in the morning. Hoping to get through a lot of shipments this weekend. If you want stuff for your container, let me know. I need a project.
Paint paint paint. Lets make some paintings. My ship awaits
[ city name: Sprawlville level 62 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
Very frustrating when I require items that I cannot produce.
Need salt and skateboards. Well open containers in the morning. Hoping to get through a lot of shipments this weekend. If you want stuff for your container, let me know. I need a project.
Thanks for all the help..ship has sailed and the next one up is dye, cheesecake and lipstick...
Very frustrating when I require items that I cannot produce.
Need salt and skateboards. Well open containers in the morning. Hoping to get through a lot of shipments this weekend. If you want stuff for your container, let me know. I need a project.
Making fruitcake for you now. I'm 2 short. Taxis are working hard.Gave away a bunch of boots and cheesecakes and lipsticks. Looks like I will need 2 thickeners in 5 hours (11 PST USA) if you have an available one. I will be brewing up 2 in the meantime.
Thanks Trumpster and liraDropped off skateboards for you! Have fun!
[City: Podunk / User: Trumpster2 / Level 42 / need drills / quarry still broken :-( ]
Still need 4 salt to sail. Can't make it myself. Please help
Gave away a bunch of boots and cheesecakes and lipsticks. Looks like I will need 2 thickeners in 5 hours (11 PST USA) if you have an available one. I will be brewing up 2 in the meantime.
I'll start on a table or you. Can't make soap or skateboards yetNext ship due in 5hrs and needs soap, tables and skateboards. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
Player. Una1. City. Sunnycity. Level 55 need flowerbeds and fountains for ingrate achievement