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Big Business Port: Cargo Containers For Sale

Juice and paper filled

[ city name: Sprawlville level 62 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
That was so fast! Awesome! Let me know what you need.
I have beams, plywood and thickener for my next ship. I made 2 thickener last night and am making 2 more, but does anyone know how many beams and plywood they ask for? I am thinking 9 beams and 5 plywood?
Good morning! My next ship docks in about 2 hrs. I will need components, and scarves and possible cookies....I am working on all 3 now but lost several hours over night as I do need to sleep....thanks
Will need Waterguns in 6 hours. Thanks!!!

:-) City: MegVille Player: MegFree1013 Level: 42 Need: Trowels From: Chicago, Illinois:-)
Thanks to all who dropped off scarves and components...

Next ship in needs motor oil, sand and lipstick...I know I will need help with the oil and lipstick...working on the sand now and I have an oil on now...
Ok friends, i need 2 sets of 2 beams and one plywood. I made the thickener and 5 plywood and 5 beams. Thanks.
I can start a plywood for you, but will be asleep when it finishes. Wil check in the morning if your container still needs filling.

Thanks to whoever filled my aluminum containers. I didn't think I'll get aluminum as I'm not level 36 yet. Oh well..
Next ship needs purses, wood beams and coal. Cannot do purses or coal yet, so won't be able to fill the ship. Well let this go half filled.
I'll stock up on supplies instead, and fill others' containers
I can start a plywood for you, but will be asleep when it finishes. Wil check in the morning if your container still needs filling.

Thanks to whoever filled my aluminum containers. I didn't think I'll get aluminum as I'm not level 36 yet. Oh well..
Next ship needs purses, wood beams and coal. Cannot do purses or coal yet, so won't be able to fill the ship. Well let this go half filled.
I'll stock up on supplies instead, and fill others' containers

I have 2 purses.

:-) City: MegVille Player: MegFree1013 Level: 42 Need: Trowels From: Chicago, Illinois:-)
Question. Do the triple rewards in the VIP containers give you 3 credits and three anchors and triple cash?

city name: normal town. name: nickeli
Question. Do the triple rewards in the VIP containers give you 3 credits and three anchors and triple cash?

city name: normal town. name: nickeli

No, only triple the dollar amount for the VIP items only.

:-) City: MegVille Player: MegFree1013 Level: 42 Need: Trowels From: Chicago, Illinois:-)
I will need some thickeners on my next ship. Probably three. Will be open around 10 pm CST. Thanks in advance.

[City: Podunk / User: Trumpster2 / Level 42 / need drills / quarry still broken :-( ]
Spike mayo delivered

Pde filled three contains of oil

Tri city filled last soap

DrJ filled two diesel

I have a stock pile of plywood, let me know your needs

[ city name: Sprawlville level 62 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
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