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Big Business Port: Cargo Containers For Sale

Thanks to those who helped with lipsticks. Ship sailed off during the night.

Next ship needs fruitcake , shoes and lipsticks again. Will need help with fruitcakes as I don't have enough mangoes and lipsticks.

Player. Una1. City. Sunnycity. Level 56. Need hammers and drills please
Filled a soap for junkerton
Acid for Summerville
and few other containers.

A very big thank you to those who helped with lipsticks ,shoes and especially fruitcakes. Would not have been able to sail this ship as did not have enough mangoes to make the fruitcakes.

Player. Una1. City. Sunnycity. Level 56. Need hammers and drills please
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Opened one container of Scaffolding (5) Thanks for the help...this one's going to be a tough one!

:-) City: MegVille Player: MegFree1013 Level: 42 Need: Trowels From: Chicago, Illinois:-)
Filled a soap for junkerton
Acid for Summerville
and few other containers.

A very big thank you to those who helped with lipsticks ,shoes and especially fruitcakes. Would not have been able to sail this ship as did not have enough mangoes to make the fruitcakes.

Player. Una1. City. Sunnycity. Level 56. Need hammers and drills please
I helped you out last night and thanks for the soap! I will keep my eyes open for your next ship. Looks like i will need 2 solvents if anyone has one.
Thank you to all those who made all that glue for me....I couldn't have made it all myself..

Next ship in needs baking soda, components and tables...I started on the soda and I have a few tables in stock...I can have 2 components made but I only have 1 chem plant and it will be producing the soda....so I know I will need help all around on this one..
Thank you to all those who made all that glue for me....I couldn't have made it all myself..

Next ship in needs baking soda, components and tables...I started on the soda and I have a few tables in stock...I can have 2 components made but I only have 1 chem plant and it will be producing the soda....so I know I will need help all around on this one..
I can get you at least 1 component. I made 2 glue, but must've been asleep when your ship docked, so I did no help you.

Does anyone know how many cocoflakes are needed for the port cargo? I have 13 right now and want to know if I will need to run taxis to get to 40 or what.
I can get you at least 1 component. I made 2 glue, but must've been asleep when your ship docked, so I did no help you.

Does anyone know how many cocoflakes are needed for the port cargo? I have 13 right now and want to know if I will need to run taxis to get to 40 or what.

Not sure, I have only seen them a few times...I have some stock piled...let me know if you some.

Also thanks for the component in advance..I will have 2 myself. I am trying to make as much soda.
Need help with shirts and lipsticks again. Thanks

Player. Una1. City. Sunnycity. Level 56. Need hammers and drills please
I did a four count soda for you. Left the other for racket to fill, he's almost done

[ city name: Sprawlville level 62 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]

Thanks g. I filled the 4 soda and nyc's 2 scaffolds and the ships raced each other out of the harbor.

My next ship (in 2 hrs) will need a couple of 1 packs of varnish. I will have 4 by then, but i think i need 6. My 4 components are already done.

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