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Big Business Port: Cargo Containers For Sale

nyc: 3 squirt guns- stay cool!
Podunk component
marmaseuth 3 glue
pejoe 2 chlorine
2 puzzles for seaville

I am filling people throughout the day, but cannot report back while at school.

Thank you for the component. Love sending out a full ship. Wish I could send them all full!

[City: Podunk / User: Trumpster2 / Level *50* ]
I will need Thickener in 30 minutes if anyone can help me out.

:-) City: MegVille Player: MegFree1013 Level: 48 From: Chicago, Illinois:-)
Another way to frustrate me is to not have a "cancel contract button." I clicked on the sawmill because I need 40 planks and now I am producing parquet for 2 hours because it was under the produce button. So, if you have the room, then make 10 planks, but if not, don't attack this one. I will take care of it after my tennis match.... in three hours. (Ironically, I finished all of the lipstick and purses, but the easy planks are holding me back.) Hope my match and your day goes better than my planks.
Another way to frustrate me is to not have a "cancel contract button." I clicked on the sawmill because I need 40 planks and now I am producing parquet for 2 hours because it was under the produce button. So, if you have the room, then make 10 planks, but if not, don't attack this one. I will take care of it after my tennis match.... in three hours. (Ironically, I finished all of the lipstick and purses, but the easy planks are holding me back.) Hope my match and your day goes better than my planks.

I agree! I just accidentally made Spice instead of Cotton because they are on the same spot, just on a different page in the farm. Now I'm stuck waiting 4 hours to use that farm. Luckily I have 2 other farms I can use, but it throws off my plan for today.

:-) City: MegVille Player: MegFree1013 Level: 49 From: Chicago, Illinois:-)
Filled three plush bunnies for Mindless.
Ragu and ketchup for Juliana
Two purses for Stormrage Mecca

Trumpster2, city: Podunk, level 50
Opened 2 containers of Plywood (2 each) and 2 containers of Eggs (5 & 7). Thanks for the help!!

Also filled...

Normal Town - 2 shoes
Wapsville - 2 plush bunnies
Crackville - 2 stools
EPVXXX - 1 scarf

It was nice to make some room in my warehouse!

:-) City: MegVille Player: MegFree1013 Level: 49 From: Chicago, Illinois:-)
Last edited:
I will need wax in the morning. I got wax and components to make and only I chem plant. I will open containers in the morning if anyone can help. I appreciate all the help from everyone.
Can someone make me some soap please? Have several more hours of kefir to make. What exactly is kefir anyways?!?!

[City: Podunk / User: Trumpster2 / Level *50* ]

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