Spike - filled ragu
Elfxx - filled diesel
Wish I could make thickener.. Everyone needs thickener and/or shampoo, neither of which I can make
Sprawlville- filler your last 2 coal
Valerian- 2 ore
Danland- motor oil
Megborough- 2 skateboards
Sincity- plush bunny
City: MegVille Player: MegFree1013 Level: 50 From: Chicago, Illinois
In 21/2 hours I will need help with sand. I suspect it will be 4 containers of 10 each. Thanks. In advance for any help.
User: SeaDe / City: Seavile
Containers open for sand. Thanks
User: SeaDe / City: Seavile
. Thanks.Filled one, going to bed now [ city name: Sprawlville level 65 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
Sent you a ten pack of shakes. I have 6 bananas left. Maybe I can get some more soon.Anyone have milkshakes clogging up your wh? I need 20 ... 2 containers of 10 each....thanks in advance